Hello all
Thanks again for following along. Please keep the advice and good wishes coming
Here are my latest thoughts and concerns:
WC looks good, but Hotbunz got me to thinking about her size. Here she is today:
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By my original count, this is day #16 (day #1 was the day I dropped the germinated seed into the dirt). It took her 3 days to break the soil, so counting from then, she's on day #11. Regardless, she looks pretty similar in size to my first attempt at this strain at this stage. Fingers crossed that all is well.
Now to little PK.
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This is day #4 from breaking ground. Can you see the corkscrewing of the little baby leaves? What up with that? Also, the stem is very dark purple. Is that normal or are both of these things signs of an issue? I've only spritzed tap water onto the area immediately around her. Should I be adjusting the pH? My rationale for not was that it seemed like overkill for such a small amount of H2O. Mistake?Hey jenny They look ok ,some strains have purple stems,she is standing up nice and straight ,just wait let mother nature take its its course.I first usually don,t do any thing for the
Finally, I do think I planted the little buggers a little too deep. It might have been as much as an inch. Is that a no-no?
Anyway, hope everybody's having a great weekend! Looking forward to hearing from y'all.
