New Grower Jenny tries again….

Hey Redneck!

Thanks again, my friend! Wishing for righteous harvests for all :smokeout:

And yes, that's one of my pups. Her name is Annie. You must know dogs (or I'm a great photog :rofl:). If I were to pick two adjectives to describe her, they would be "smart" and "sweet". If only she could put herself to good use and be some sort of pest eradicating, pH problem detecting wonder-dog. Oh well, sweet and smart are nothing to sneeze at.

Will let y'all know how the dehumidifier goes. She's running now, and I'm shooting for 80 degrees and 45% humidity. :thumbsup:
Hey jenny glad to see you back, good looking girls.The gnats can be a real problem red said DE is good and mosquito dunks are great also,just crumble 1/4 dunk onto top of soil.I use the dunks when mixing my soil also.Keep plenty of sticky paper around the plants.I use those round fly strips and spider traps.They check in but they don,t check out.LOL. When you mix your next batch of soil for next grow,just crumble a couple of dunks with your soil.The DE is like walking on glass for the little bastards.You are doing great.If your not having issues your not growing .I just planted 9 photos,this is my first photo grow and my first organic soil grow.I am a total newb in both .Your jars will be full soon.Just keep growing,you will learn something new each grow.I,m stoked for you.Peace.
Hi all!

I got some DE and have ordered some of those yellow sticky gnat-trappers. Question is on the DE: it doesn't say what grade it is. It's Safe Brand, and I found it in the garden section of my neighborhood Ace Hardware. I wouldn't think it would be pool grade, but how can I be sure? Also, do I just sprinkle it on top of the soil? Should I rake it in a little with a fork or something?

most DE is pool grade.its rare that youll find anything less than that imo.if its better than standard pool grade its usually mentioned since ppl want that usually over pool grade.but for your uses id imagine that'll be juuuust fine jenny.noi worries and youll wanna keep it dry as possible unless your using it AS a soil amendment then that different.pests it needs to stay dry.soil working...fold it into the soil.
Hope you get the bug problem sorted but it sound like you will catch it early.
Otherwise plants look great. Personally ive run 18/6 from the start and my girls seem to love it.
Apart from the one who decided she was a photoperiod so she has her own sleepy box for 6 hours :naughtystep:.

Keep it up!
The little adult gnats lay eggs in your soil and the larvae eat your roots. The main cause of this is over watering and the wet soil. Keep a fan blowing to be sure the top of your soil dries more quickly. The wetting agent in your soil will do well to help you get rid of them. It isn't the adults that can hurt your plants. Its the larvae
Hey all!

Just checkin in with a progress report.

It's day 59 for the white widow cheese:


She's definitely got quite a way to go, but (knock on wood) I think she's doing well. Soil pH readings pretty consistently 6.8 and runoff water ~6.1. She is quite a bit fuller than her tent mate, Pineapple Kush. In PK's defense, though, she's ten days behind. I'll post a pic of her tomorrow when I get her out to water.

We've still got some fungus gnats :cuss:I've got yellow sticky traps hanging and DE on the soil. The trap I put in a week ago has probably 25 - 30 buggers stuck to it. How often should the DE be applied? I've just been sprinkling it onto the surface of the soil after watering. Should I be using more? Using something else?

Thanks in advance for any responses :toke:

youve been waiting since yesterday and noone mentioned any help?daaamn!! we be slaaackin bigtime!! well if the gnats are bad(usually a non issue..BUT) or just a good bit of them and you want them gone you can use a few things.DE once its damp or wet is useless.dry is the key.but 50/50 sterile playbox sand and de work well DRY!! spread over the whole top.olny bout 1/4 inch.make sure you literally seal off the top...OR mosquito dunks crushed up,disolved in water(im not a fan of this method although does work half the time) or gnatrol which is very cheap and works really really well.or better yet!! SNS-209 and similar products.sierra natural sciences really have some excellent natural porducts that are awesome.i use them often.well if i have an issue.but when i need it fixed or tamped ,i break them out.

but the DE and sand mix is cheap and very effecdtive.1 week usually does it.but a good drench from gnatrol(less than 5$ to your door or so) or the SNS is what Id personally recommend and youll have them fpr MANY grows to come.