Outdoor Jelly0's backyard [FastBuds - Mephisto - Dutch Passion]

Man if that hopper in the last pic doesn't blend in....perfect color match.
Right I saw his exoskeleton so I knew he was around. At least he's helping me trim off the excess fan leaves lol
I'm happy this one did it and i also know that family thing, haha, great pics and nice plant!
Day 68:

Here we are at the end of this grow. Decided it was time to chop her down since she had a good amount of amber and she was getting chewed up pretty badly lol. I'm so pleased she made it to the end and got so fat, any yield at this point is a win for me. Expecting maybe around a quad off of her. Also really happy with the super soil, that made the grow very easy! I may do that method all the time now...




Thanks for tagging along, happy growing to you all
Boah, you Rockaholla...a bottle of beer and the toke of your new weed...love it!
It all comes down to this....we NEED as many votes as possible in the outdoor contest. If we don't get a solid number of voters, then we will question the love for outdoor plants, and the need for a contest!!
So PLEASE stop by both of these threads, and put down your votes.
Auto Live Bud https://www.autoflower.org/threads/outdoor-grow-battle-2017-autoflower-live-bud-voting-thread.61553/
Auto Dried Bud https://www.autoflower.org/threads/outdoor-grow-battle-2017-autoflower-dry-bud-voting-thread.61554/
Votes will be limited to 3 per voter, and votes will be tallied up at the end and both the live and dried bud results will be added together to crown the outdoor auto champion.

Every voter that stops by and also puts down a coment on either of the voting threads, will receive maximum reputation from me as a thanks for helping to support out sun grow ladies.