Jedi Healer - New Strain Project By Anthropolis For PTSD

:) Skyler Skywalker grew a decent bit while I was away. I've got it tucked back down again now. Slowly filing up that screen! It's about time to start thinking about the 12/12 switch, this strain is reputed to have a couple foot of flower stretch, so I gotta be sure I'm not filling up too much before flipping. Maybe a couple more weeks. :)

Yup, Skyler Skywalker is on turbo mode lol. They seem to be loving the yucca and appear to be uptaking more nutrition. She's getting quite poofy under her skirt, I'm thinking it's time for a major haircut up under there.

It's even bushier under there than it looks in the pics lol!

Any scrog experts want to chime in, anytime would be good lol. It's pretty clear now that I should've hacked a couple inches off each scrog frame leg to get that net down lower, but now I've learned. :) Actually it's going quite smooth so far for a first scrog attempt.

The net is disappearing more and more quickly now... I'm just scared of running out of screen lol. I think it's about time for a defoilation under the net, wait a week or so to recover, then flip the lights to 12/12.

Cleaned up and defoilated up under her skirt today. Just clipped leaves this time, the remaining little tertiary branches are clonable but I just ran out of rooting cubes. Ordered more, will clean those out soon and try to root them. :)




A good shot of the top 4-way FIM :)



Looking frigging great! After it recovers and I get any cuttings taken, we'll get ready for the flowering switch. :)
Wow, she really bushed out man. Thats awesome. She looks really healthy too.
Just catching up with the progress my friend. =) Im enjoying watching, and learning along the way as well.
Thanks Neko, I'm learning too lol! Really I'm just doing a good job pretending I know what I'm doing with this scrog lmao! Actually as I'm finding out, the plant is doing all the work lol, I'm just hanging on and trying to keep it halfway trained. As of yet, it is probably the most healthy plant I've had yet.
Omg this crazy thing grew like 2" in every direction in one day lol! I had to spend some time tucking everything again. Skyler Skywalker is turning out to be quite the rockstar we hoped! :)


In other news, the Med Gom 1.0 is finally culled. I gathered the last round of pollen bananas, and they're drying out a little for a couple days, then will be sifted per usual for the feminized pollen.

Since the plant took heavy doses of STS, I most certainly wasn't going to consume any of it. It occurred to me that burying it deep would be the most ethical means of disposal. I couldn't throw it in the trash and risk anyone finding it and consuming it, nor could I just toss it outdoors and risk it spreading pollen to the wild. So I dug a nice deep hole, chopped it up, and buried it upside down and deep. Done.

There'll be some well medicated earthworms along in awhile maybe haha!

So now what?

I'll be deep freezing the Med Gom 1.0 pollen for a future test cross. In a few weeks, the Skywalker will have filled out the screen satisfactorily and be ready for 12/12. Shortly before the switch, I'll be taking some cuttings to clone and test.

After a couple weeks in the cloning chamber, the clones will be moved to small pots to the tent at 12/12 directly. A couple clones will be a control group, I need to see how it handles doing straight to 12/12. A couple clones will be reversed hopefully, I want to see how it reverses, and I'm going back to Tiresia's Mist for the remainder of the project. Lastly I may pollinate one clone with the test Med Gom 1.0 pollen and see if it's viable.

That's pretty much the plan for the remainder of this grow round. Next round will be even more exciting. As a bonus, Skyler should provide a nice bumper haul of medicine to allow for more experimenting in the next round...providing I don't screw it up too badly haha. :)

Compost your STS plant matter using red worms! They are used to detox contaminated soil and will break down just about anything not radioactive!
A red worm bin isn't something I'm committed to yet lol, but it on my recurring list of stuff I think about. Good idea though for STS/CS treated stuff.

Well, Day 58 and we've got a few pistils... which is nice and all but I haven't switched it to 12/12 or given bloom nutes yet LOL!!


So far it's just a few of the lame node-pistils which show up way early anyway, and I don't know whether or not to be concerned.
Finished cleaning up under Skyler Skywalker's scrog canopy today, making cuttings of anything with a good enough node, and pinched off anything too tiny.



Clones, couldn't find a good enough looking low 9th one to fill out the set, and 8 is enough to play with:

Used good ol' Clonex and Root Riot cubes with a recycled flat, and found two tupperware bins that fit into each other perfectly. I'd hoped to have an official cloner by now but it just didn't happen.

The canopy is looking great, almost time for another tucking. Will wait a week or so to see if she needs to recover from all this snipping. I doubt it really needs that since the previous heavy defoilation didn't seem to affect it whatsoever hah!

Once it's settled in and recovered if needed, I think we'll be on track for a 12/12 flip shortly thereafter. :) :)