Outdoor Jay's UK Back Garden Outdoor 2018

No it was timeanddate.com, not sure how reliable it is, but looks about there. Weather underground looks ok, but can't see how to change Fahrenheit to celsius, I can't picture temp in F other than 70 odd is about room temp.

Cool you have a weather station though.
https://www.wunderground.com/wundermap - over on the right side where it says map settings, when you select that there's a clicky button for changing to C.

It's only a cheapo one from Maplin before they went bust, but it does the job!
Cool purple Duck mate. Looks awesome.

Thanks mate, visited them yesterday, as the sun is now lower in the sky I think the shorter one isn't getting much direct light at all.


Top cola that is still getting some looked nice though:


Checked the trichs, there was a lot of cloudy so I guess this should come down soon. No mould as far as I could tell.
Elsewhere, everything is chugging along but the frosts and crazy storm had taken their toll with the bigger kush on a lean into thr sour diesel, I staked it up and did a heavy defol of fans as I don't see how else they'll develop:




Spindly Kush in the middle had developed a tasty odour but diddy buddlings:


The other had not moved much either, going to be hash pile material as it stands:

They look great mate, mine have slowed right down as well...the dreaded cold :( I'm battling mould on think fast think she's gonna get an early chop lol frisian duck has got to be the choice for next years grow, she's hardy as anything :) the only girl ive got not in the greenhouse & she's smashing it! [emoji172]

Boo'sBuds [emoji271][emoji263][emoji268] https://www.instagram.com/boosbuds88/