Eclectic Elle
Keeper Of The Jars of Joy
Which day did you get a frost Jay, the 25th? That was the coldest temps my weather station measured, 3.3C. Fingers crossed you get something out of it all!
Looking real good J[emoji481][emoji482][emoji482]
They look great mate, mine have slowed right down as well...the dreaded coldI'm battling mould on think fast think she's gonna get an early chop lol frisian duck has got to be the choice for next years grow, she's hardy as anything
the only girl ive got not in the greenhouse & she's smashing it! [emoji172]
Boo'sBuds [emoji271][emoji263][emoji268]
Which day did you get a frost Jay, the 25th? That was the coldest temps my weather station measured, 3.3C. Fingers crossed you get something out of it all!
Think it was sun and mon nights just gone, got down to 4c so v close to frost if not so.
I imagine along with the crazy storm days on the thurs- fri there was minimal bud development on any of those days.
Some of the fans had gone blue on the tips, which is another sure fire sign.
Outlook is fairly decent for next 2 odd weeks, so fingers crossed. The ducks should deliver even if nothing else does.
Yee.. I had ice on my van windscreen twice last week but the temp was 4°C. Should be alright Jay, hang on in there.. I remember last year thinking it was gonna be a shit harvest, then on chop day we were pleasantly surprised. [emoji1360]
but ffs
good luck n keep er lit.
Wow, your Duck is awesome dude, some v chunky buds, have you checked the trichs? I was shocked how much cloudy there was.
If the smoke is ok, will deffo run again as seems to flower earlyish, looks less suss and delivers buds even up my way.
The spot the smaller one is in will be used for an auto next year, just did not realise it would get so shaded.
Thanks again mate, helping me keep faith, just disheartening visiting and seeing v little progress in 10 days.
The garden is north facing also, which does not help. How did you choose harvest day last yr? Was it before the frost proper set in, I'm thinking I should chop the smaller duck sooner rather than later!