Indoor It's my first time, be gentle

"somebody" is getting things dialed in! :cooldance: Way to go, Auto! :clapper:

I don't have any fans going anymore. Once I got the filter running correctly there is no need.
Humor an old man, and try your smallest fan in there now, at a setting that will very gently move the leaves. If you have signs of leaf curl stop, but I don't think you will now. Unless changing your filter and intake setup is moving your foliage around, I would strongly recommend adding some air movement.

No more leaf curling!

Stuff is starting to happen :woohoo1: Is this the pre flowering stage?
Yes it is. It's gonna get exciting now! :shooty: Time to start really watching for any unusual color or spotting on you leaves that would indicate a nute def. It's also time to think about your vertical space, and how much clearance your light will have in a few weeks. If you need to start bending and tying (LST), sooner is better than later.

It's General Organics. And I have been feeding them half of the recommended light feeding. I am going to try a full light feeding dose next time since they are a bit older now.

When you do, look for tip burn and a sudden color change, as well as leaf "clawing", when the tips turn down and in. Those are signs of excess N. My NL's handled higher doses well, but if you see it it's time to back off a bit.:thumbsup:
I finally found that primer! this should be a must read for the very basics, besides the stickies and new meta-data issues:

On a personal note, cats are cats, but chickens are forever! :crying::funny:

You and your Hubby are knocking it out of the park, keep up the good work. Just checking: when you water, do you have
A) No runoff
B) Very little
C) Quite a bit
Humor an old man, and try your smallest fan in there now, at a setting that will very gently move the leaves. If you have signs of leaf curl stop, but I don't think you will now. Unless changing your filter and intake setup is moving your foliage around, I would strongly recommend adding some air movement.
Will do!
Yes it is. It's gonna get exciting now! :shooty: Time to start really watching for any unusual color or spotting on you leaves that would indicate a nute def. It's also time to think about your vertical space, and how much clearance your light will have in a few weeks. If you need to start bending and tying (LST), sooner is better than later
OK, I was wondering about LST. I have read some about it, but wasn't sure when to start. I'll read up more on it tonight and maybe give it a go in the morning :thumbsup:

When you do, look for tip burn and a sudden color change, as well as leaf "clawing", when the tips turn down and in. Those are signs of excess N. My NL's handled higher doses well, but if you see it it's time to back off a bit.:thumbsup:
I finally found that primer! this should be a must read for the very basics, besides the stickies and new meta-data issues:
Very good info. Thank you

On a personal note, cats are cats, but chickens are forever! :crying::funny:
Uhm... my chickens had have their fair share too!! They are just very interested in anything I'm doing :shrug: You may choke your chicken but I smoke mine :smoking:

You and your Hubby are knocking it out of the park, keep up the good work. Just checking: when you water, do you have
A) No runoff
B) Very little
C) Quite a bit

I read that there should be 25% run off, so that is what I'm doing. I give them 1liter per feeding and that gives me about 25% run off. If I need to change that I absolutely will.

And again THANK YOU for you help! :bighug:
Good point, I never thought about it like that. I just assumed it was so the nutes penetrated the entire pot, and didn't accumulate in pockets and cause burn. I will gladly cut back because cleaning up all the water is no fun.

I'm not saying that some people do water until runoff for reasons like you say, personally I don't. You find out what works best for you and doesn't cause plant problems. Happy farming hope I've helped slightly, you look like it's starting to make sense I'm not worried!
You can just sit right back down, you aren't going anywhere mister!! I'm needy and still need a lot of hand holding. I'm just trying to understand the logic behind the different styles. Then I can try them and figure out what works best for my girls.

I wouldn't have a chance without the wisdom and advice that has been generously given to me. I hope someday I can help someone as much as y'all have helped me!
Funny you say that. I just went in and looked at them and they have grown since this morning. I kept it warmer and more humid today and I think they like it, or they are just ready to grow.

They are in preflower like we've said they will shoot up like rockets. If you want short bushes this is when you take twine, pipe cleaner, something other than think wire to tie them down so they can't just grow vertical.... What temps and humidity you been having?
I'm looking for info on LST but haven't found any tutorials on how to go about it. So I'm assuming I tie down each branch of each section ( node?) or just the bottom ones?

The temp today was 80 and humidity was 57%.