Indoor Itisivolution. Paradise loft.


No dogs were harmed in the making of this, she had been chewing up the trimmed fan leaves of her own volition. I merely offered her one so I could film her joy of chewing on them. I'm aware dogs don't enjoy thc in the way we do and that they have a toxicity level for it. I'm also aware of the almost non existent levels of thc in fan leaves.

Thought I'd edit this in, just in case anybody thought I was attempting to poison the mutt. Dispite my joking on here , I love the little turd and wouldn't see her come to any harm.

So adorable! :)

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Well.. [emoji848]

We'll see how the next grow goes U.. I'm gonna do some 'ol faithful strains in Allmix.. Back to the old days.. Gonna need it to go well cos there's not a lot of weed in the house ATM and it ain't gonna change for the foreseeable. If that goes tits up, I'm all ears! [emoji6]
Looking forward to seeing you on the wet side! :)

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So. 7.30 on a Sunday morning,i just sat down on the decking with a posh coffee and a vape when the neighbor started rapping along to what ever shit it was he was listening to. I negotiated a silence ( said ' if I give you a joint will you turn that down and fuck off indoors?) when a neighbor over the back started a massive domestic! Even the sun worshipping chihuahua has gone indoors out of protest.
So. 7.30 on a Sunday morning,i just sat down on the decking with a posh coffee and a vape when the neighbor started rapping along to what ever shit it was he was listening to. I negotiated a silence ( said ' if I give you a joint will you turn that down and fuck off indoors?) when a neighbor over the back started a massive domestic! Even the sun worshipping chihuahua has gone indoors out of protest.
What a Sunday morning... Here was nice and quiet but lots of gray clouds :-(
What a Sunday morning... Here was nice and quiet but lots of gray clouds :-(

Total silence now, except the birds singing and the sound of me and itisher coughing!