Indoor Itisivolution. Paradise loft.

Haha! What did you tell 'em?

My work don't give me any grief tho.. I've been there 13 years, part of the furniture now. Plus they never discipline or sack anyone. The last person that got fired threatened to kill the MD. You have to go THAT far!
I told them I parked there because it was the closest place to the pub I was in, they took the bait and started the 'drink drive' spiel.

I let them have the full 'how very dare you! I was having a sanger and a latte' indignation speech.

it is isn't it?
Like standing in the middle of the room, knowing perfectly well that you got up to get something, but having no idea what it is.

One new thing I started doing recently is relating things to general areas. So I get up to get something in the cabinet by the fridge, for example. Because somewhere between where I was and the kitchen I forgot what I was going to get, but I know it was around there, behind a door. I then proceed to open the nearest door (the fridge) and after open it and stare inside, hoping to find a clue and through the clue, get to what I want or need (not sure which because I don't remember what it was).

Often, by the time I close the fridge and see the cabinet, I remember. Even more often, it's when I sit back down...

Does this happen to you?

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All is not well in the auto tent. Jessie got some deficiency going on. It's immobile and has come on seemingly since last res top up. Probably stuffed the ph and locked out. So, tomorrow I'll drain, flush and refill her.

What a big bucket arse.

it is isn't it?
Like standing in the middle of the room, knowing perfectly well that you got up to get something, but having no idea what it is.

One new thing I started doing recently is relating things to general areas. So I get up to get something in the cabinet by the fridge, for example. Because somewhere between where I was and the kitchen I forgot what I was going to get, but I know it was around there, behind a door. I then proceed to open the nearest door (the fridge) and after open it and stare inside, hoping to find a clue and through the clue, get to what I want or need (not sure which because I don't remember what it was).

Often, by the time I close the fridge and see the cabinet, I remember. Even more often, it's when I sit back down...

Does this happen to you?

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Followed by a shout of 'itisher! What'd I come out here for?'

it is isn't it?