Indoor Itisivolution. Paradise loft.

OI! I'll have you know my plants are doing quite well this time..

Welcome to the chatroom newcomers.. Feel free to talk about periods, ingrowing toenails or whatever's getting your goat today..

Goats... There's a good subject.. Any goat stories, post 'em here! [emoji1360]

I concur.
A goat on a lead.

Thanks vork. My life is complete.

I once saw a woman in the park with a cat on a lead, she was surrounded by dogs and looked a bit stressed. Bet it seemed a good idea at the time.
The cut update.


The root issue of the mother can be confirmed to be of my doing



Had a wake n bake Saturday so far and nearly posted this update on facebook!

I'll update the loft later, it's currently out of bounds as the co2 enrichment system are still all asleep!