Black Sail
AFN Authorized Vendor
We've got Subcool testing out a Cannon:smoking: Check it out on IG!!! @subcoolsig @dank.toker
Lookin good brotha! Don't be afraid to get in close, The Cannon puts off little to no heat so she won't burn your babies. I've gone as close as 14" from the canopy towards the end of flower with no burning whatsoeverAlright...playing with height with seedlings...( loving it )..took from under t5 when just above ground...response was great...using other assorted patio autos to check light damage from heights of assorted size...has been a few days and no sign of burn...I’m new to cobs so I must learn my light........
This is my Cannon. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My Cannon is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.
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Lookin' good SOOTDAWG!
Lookin' good SOOTDAWG!
Once you get it up to 88 miles an hour you travel through time:smoking:
We've got Subcool testing out a Cannon:smoking: Check it out on IG!!! @subcoolsig @dank.toker
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