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Thought the one on the right might have been starting to stretch a little a few days back, but on second thought it looks like they're just hitting a nice little growth spurt. Really decent growth on both of 'em the last few days.

The three mainline photoperiod plants in the tent look like they hardly skipped a beat with the trimming. The new "mains" are growing out nicely and I'm digging the little stakes for training 'em so far. Going to need to swing by the Depot now that I know I like 'em and pick up some more.

Decided it was time to do the next round of trimming this morning on the mainlined photoperiod plants in the tent. They've been growing out nicely since the last cuts, and were up to about 3, maybe 4 nodes on each of the new mains.

Unfortunately, when doing some post trim tying down on the Ghost Of LeeRoy on the right, I got a little too aggressive on one of the branches and it just snapped right off. *insert sniffles and light crying here*
Going to keep it going with the other half of the plant. Will have half the mains of the other, but still should be a viable plant I'm thinking.

Ghost Of LeeRoy on right before and after(one the got broken):

The other Ghost Of LeeRoy:

Deep Cheese:

Group shot before and after:
I hadn't thought of trying to graft it back on. Might have to give that a read for next time.

My only concern with that might be that it would throw off the mainlining a bit. At least with the way I'm doing it form the guide I'm using part of the goal is to get each of your new mains when you do one of the trims to be as close to the same distance from the original main as possible. Essentially you're growing a kind of manifold with 4,8,16, etc.. mains that are all as equal distance from the main stem as you can get them. The slower recovery on that side would, I imagine, get it enough behind from the other side that trying to keep both sides of the plant as symmetrical as possible would just go out the window.

I might, depending on how they're looking and a few other things try and run these out to 16 mains versus the previous 8 I had done. Partially I'm waiting to see how the timing is looking. I was hoping the Automazar's in the closet might be finishing up about the time these are getting close to being flipped and moving them into the (IMO) better COB lights. But Automazar is a pretty long running strain and the photo plants are growing so well that I don't think they'll wait that long. Anyhow...if I do decide to go 16 on the other two to take up some more time, that'll maybe push this one up to 8, just all on that one branch. Will have to see how it all goes. One of the good things about doing all this for a hobby.... can just roll with things as they come and see what happens. :smoking:
I mainlined a photo on my 2nd grow, I wasn't convinced, it added additional weeks veg on, and even though I had two mains relatively even they didn't grow out equally, and I was unsure what else to trim, will you remove all growth other than the mains!? :shrug:

Though there were no airy buds, though could've been the genetics, was a seedsman Afghani [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] reg photo, nice smoke.
I'm leaving the big fans that come out right with the nodes I'm leaving as my new mains, but everything else gets trimmed off. I did it once before with a grilled cheese plant and it didn't necessarily give a bigger yield, but the buds were more consistent from cola to cola and were nicely dense and sticky. I think flowering under better lights and if I can get the nutes a little better I'm hoping to plump up the buds more this time around. Different strains, though, so may get different results all around. Heck, the two Ghost Of LeeRoy's aren't fem seeds, so might even get a male or two. But for me, the mainlining is also just one other thing to try and play with in the hobby and way to learn about how the plants behave and grow, how to train them, and so forth.