
Eyes on Fire

Guy Smiley
Sep 17, 2013
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Currently Smoking
There are many products marketed to medical marijuana growers these days. They vary in price and species greatly. Many of the inoculant products marketed to Cannabis growers contain endomycorrhizal fungi, ectomycorrhizal fungi, bacteria, and Trichoderma (a genus of fungi). I call these "broad spectrum" inoculants to separate them from the inoculants that are solely endomycorrhizal fungi, or one of the others. These broad spectrum inoculants are designed to work with all plants, and many of the species in these products simply do not work with Cannabis plants.

Some common examples of inoculant products marketed to medical marijuana growers are (prices vary):
Great White from Plant Success @ $100/lb. This product also contains vitamin B1. … hizae.html
Myco Madness from Humboldt Nutrients @ $75/lb. This product also contains 10% crappy humic acid. … o-madness/
White Widow from Humboldt Nutrients @ 160/lb. This product is endomycorrhizal fungi. … ite-widow/
ZHO from Botanicare @ 80/lb. This product contains both Endomychorrizal and Trichoderma fungi. … -inoculant
Sub Culture M and B from General Hydro @ 80/lb. The M is endo and ectomyco, and the B is advertised as Bacillus. I'm not sure exactly the labels are inconsistent. … lture.html

Recently on the market we are seeing inoculants of just one or two species. Common examples are Xtreme Gardening's Azos, which contains Azospirillum Brasilense XOH and is meant to be used in conjunction with endomycorrhizal fungi or, one of the broad spectrum inoculants. Another example is Mayan Micorzyme from Humboldt Nutrients which is unique in that it is a liquid, and the labeling tells you it is half aerobic and half anaerobic. This inoculant also needs to be brewed like a compost tea and watered in, as opposed to mixed into the media as a powder and/or sprayed on the roots during transplant.

"MAYAN MICROZYME: Liquid concentrate. Non-pathogenic immobilized and stabilized bacterial-enzymatic complex. Active ingredients: Azotobacter vinelandii, Clostridium pasteurianum, in a broad-spectrum proprietary blend of microorganisms and stabilizing biopolymer substrate. Aerobic microorganisms ? 330,000 cfu/ml; Anaerobic microorganisms ? 330,000 cfu/ml."

Some quality inoculants exist that are not marketed to cannabis growers specifically. Give thanks. Some of the most well known include:
BioAg VAM @ $50/lb. This product is solely labeled as endomycorr, although is does contain some naturally occurring bacteria. Dr. Faust is the man, and so is Mr. Zadow. Great folks, great products, great customer service, quick delivery, BEST PRICE.
Fungi Perfecti @ $80/lb. Founded by Paul Stamets. A lot of folks swear by this product. It contains endo, ecto, bacteria, and tricho.

Here is what I've gathered from the pros on these inoculant products.

Ecto mycorrhizae do nothing for vegetables, herbs or cannabis. Ecto mainly associate with coniferous trees. Only endo mycorrhizae associate with cannabis and Glomus intraradices is the most versatile and aggressive endo strain and is the strain with the highest propagules. You will notice that there are other strains with lower counts. These will still associate and have specific strengths either for certain conditions like soil pH and other environmental conditions or specific plant parameter advantages. Our VAM endo is not fortified with pure cultures of bacteria, although there are beneficial bacteria present in the product. Because they are not cultured individually and then blended in the final product they can't really be guaranteed for specific CFU's and therefore are not listed on the label. That being said, even though G. intraradices is the most aggressive and versatile

As far as Trichodermas go, if you search the scientific database you can find examples of mycorrhizae having synergistic effects with them and some that demonstrate where Trichoderma will use the mycorr. as a food source if nothing else is available. Soil microbiology is a complex subject and can be unpredictable when it comes to their interactions.
I thought I would take a quick minute to address "soluble" mycorrhizae products. These should/are really classified as wettable powders (WP) because they are not truly soluble, rather "suspendable". Anyways, if a mycorr product is grown in containers and then harvest and micronized, like the one in question on your thread, the micronization of the substrate has deleterious effects on the spores in the way of heat and mechanical maceration. Typically you expect for around only 25% (very rough figure and can float dependent on type of micronizer) of the spores to be viable after the milling is complete. Now you are left with mostly hyphae and root fragments to inoculate. This is ok but the shelf life of those compared to spores is low, around 6 months compared to a couple of years for spores stored under proper conditions. WP products should be avoided. In tight soils and heavy clays spores are not even mobile within the soils structures and is a waste to even try watering mycorr in. The best way to apply is by direct contact with exposed roots during transplanting. I believe you are on the right track with the combination of vermi-tea and mycorrhizae rather than trying to continually add one of the broad spectrum overpriced microbe inoculants like Great White. Most of the mycorr inoculants found in hydro stores are private labels of Mycorrhizal Application products... I would also be very skeptical of any liquid mycorr products as well.

I have some of that ZHO by botanicare for transplanting my outdoor autos and photos, never used it before but from what i read they have the good endo mycorizzae, thanks EoF

I was thinking about feeding the inoculate a week before transplant and a week after to ease the transition, I know autos don't like to be transplanted but due to my cab size and how many I wanna grow I'm limited in soace

Also after reading your post maybe sprinkle some in the new transplant soil?
Thanks eyes u have helped me so much with first grow and granted i have made A few errors my girls are beautiful and happy my blue diesel is starting to flower she is 30 days old and looks amazing my green o matic is strarting to really thrive now and i must say u have alot to do with it.
Interesting read dude. I do have to say when I tried extreme gardening's mykos wp it seemed that a lot of the mykos would end up sitting on top of the soil rather than sinking into it, guess that's another reason to just put it in the soil rather than water it in. I do put a lot of stock into their azos though. I tried it for my recent grow and I never want to go back.
hey thanks guys,I appreciate that a lot.Im glad Im able to help ya along somewhat. Yeah torched Im a member of the Unconventional Gardner.I use the rice wash all through flower for carbs and enzymes n such.then put the rice in the soil.well some of it anywho.LOL!I recommend that site in a big way.Thanks for the link brother!!"AFN smoke out"
This is another reason I like steer manure in my mix. Good enzymes are added to soil.
try some mushroom compost too. really beneficial too. roughly a 3:1 mix imo at the most,but it is very good for rounding bennie bugs in your soil.
What about Advanced Nutrients' Voodoo Juice, Tarantula and Piranha? Together, do these meet or beat the other products cited? If not, why not, what's missing? At least, these additives were designed for cannabis.