Lighting Inese`s Grow

... Vlada, what kind of pH units, probes? :phsoil:... if so, and they're the skinny metal rod types, they aren't to be trusted for pH... that icon I posted is of the Accurate 8 (long probe), only one of it's type that I've found reliable,...
So, the in-pot pH is showing 6.8, but the soil right from the bag is 5.8? Pumice shouldn't affect pH, it's mostly SiO2, non-reactive,...
Don't leave then in the soil for long, 2 min is fine for a stable measurement,... it they stay in there, the metal will tarnish or corrode, and make the loose accuracy....they need buffing clean to expose fresh metals surfaces,... Also, feeds, adjusted water will affect pH for a while after adding, so if you want a more accurate reading, take pH before you fertilize by a day if possible, several hours at least,.....
pH meters are for liquids only,... you'll need storage solution, and 7.0 and 4.0 calibration solutions,... if stored incorrectly, or allowed to dry out for long, it'll mess with accuracy and eventually ruin the electrodes.... always rinse clean with RO/Di water between each use or switching solutions,...
Finaly did ph test!
I also measured ph of small NL plant which is just now transplanted to bigger pot using bio bizz light mix soil. 3 cbd auto ww are in bio canna terra plus soil.
Water is botled with ph 7.95
2 bottles of 1.5l (total 3l) per plant
I measured ph after adding each product.
To plant with most affected leafs (initialy the fastest growing plant) I first add 2ml of Rizotonic to each bottle of 1.5l.
Ph = 9
Than added to same bottles 2.5ml of bio vega to each bottle
Ph = 6.5
Runout of water had ph 5
Decided to add one extra bottled water with only rizotonic (1.2-1.3ml for 1.5l) and ph was 8.9. Runout = 5.2
My inicialy conclusion is that pumice I added lowered soil PH. Soil of volcano island I live in generaly has very low ph, 3-4 only, good for grapes :) But, as you said it as well, I assumed pumice ph (and island is full of pumice) should be neutral! I don't know!
Next I did ph test to the biggest plant. That was the smallest plant inicialy I thought of removing. Glad I didn't!
2 bottles of 1.5l
Each bottle got 3.2-3.3ml of Rizotonic and 2.5ml of bio vega
Runout ph = 5.6
Conclusion: it make sanse, plant from smallest to bigest got because of better ph level.
3rd plant, the smallest one but first to germinate (one day before other two) and initialy much bigger then now the biggest one was watered the same as biggest plant, second one.
Ph runout = 5.4
Conclusion: It all make sense, pumice lowered soil ph level, so I need some organic ph up, baking soda?
BUT than I measures ph lavel of just transplaned NL plant in bio bizz light mix which comes with ph 6.2
Watered NL with plain bottled water of ph 7.95
Runout ph =5.6
I can say new ph meter is acurate as bottled water is labeled of ph 7.9 and instrument showed 7.95
Also I initialy rinse new ph meter in distilated water (showing ph 4.6-4.7) and after each use.
Conclusion: No idea what is going on! :D
[HASHTAG]#waira[/HASHTAG] , please help!!!!:D
...these new pH readings are from your new soil probe? Can you tell me what make it is, and post a pic? Oh, and I need pics in normal light please, LED/HID are lousy for diagnostics; color is a big clue for issues,... That said, right now I can't say I see anything wrong on them,...:shrug:
....that pumice, I forgot that you collected it locally, so now I have no idea about it's chemical nature, I thought you had put in horticultural grade stuff,... that % you put in is too much, your mix is pretty well set as is,... Wait , didn't you say before that the pumice raised the pH, not lower it?? .... Also keep in mind that the plant and soil microbes affect soil pH as well,... changes from what the bag soil reads and what the pots read are different because of this in part,...
The whole point of using a soil pH probe is to get in-pot readings, and have to rely on inaccurate methods like testing run-off, especially after using a nutrient solution,... we have an "improved" run-off pH method and calculation here in the highlighted section in the Infirmary, as a last resort,... But run-off from nute solutions are skewed already, as feeds are usually acidic,... The general trend here is that going in it's 6.5, and run-off collected is in the 5's,... While that run-off pH isn't true to actual in pot pH, it does tell us that it's acidic enough in there to force pH down,.... and is likely too acidic in-pot... too far off and b certain nutrients may start to lock out.. This is why I need new normal light pics, to read the leaves....... don't need pH up, I don't think,.. (avoid baking soda, too much Na in it, even low levels are toxic)..... what's your local tap water like? (pH)... Bottled water is usually very low ppm dissolve solids, low EC,... they add some minerals back in to improve flavor, but very small,.. point is, with almost no minerals (CaCO3) in there, the water is prone to big pH swings from even small inputs,.. distilled/RO is the extreme of this; don't bother testing RO/Di water for pH, meters have difficulty doing this because of the ultra low ppm and the way they work.... such water is typically about 6.0)... this mineral is responsible for pH buffering (the carbonate part, CO3--), the more dissolved in there, the more strongly it can buffer acidity, and will have high pH,... So I ask about the tap water to see if it's hard water (high mineral content), and if so, and you need to get your pH in-pot up some, this can help,.. unfortunately, to know exactly how hard requires a TDS or EC meter, but the pH will give a hint at it's hardness,....