Lighting Inese`s Grow

@Waira - hey my friend...can you help this fellow out on the lower tip burn? Thanks bud!

Good luck on your med grow @Vlada

Hey 912GreenSkell, thanks for visiting and wanted to help. Tomorrow I will move plants to bigger space and post new photos, expecialy with dry leafs. Any opinion/suggestion will be blessed to me!
Happy to post an update!
Scott Blackey, known as Shantibaba, founder of Mr. Nice Seedbank, was asked to look at my plants via our friends in comon from CBD Crew (thanks Liz!) and here is his tought:
"Scott says it's probably just a little to much food so early, since their looking great otherwise. "
For those not familiar with Shantibaba here is one article I just found
:toke: :pass: Vlada... that's soul feeding good news on how Duda is getting relief! :clapper: :karmacloud:

...So to review, BioCanna soil and nutes, all organic,.... Ca and Mg products are separate, which is fine, and yes usually using both is often best just to cover the bases,... but how much and when depends on your water source (high mineral content water is something to consider and compensate for, with Ca,.. also pH buffering)... how well the soil is amended, and what's in the base nutes... I assume the BioCanna soil is already amended, and the nute's have some Ca/Mg in them too,.. adding more automatically is not always the best, overuse is fairly common, and can lead to pH issues and other nutrient uptake problems... LED users do find they need to add extra especially later in the grow,... Oh, and do you know to never mix nutes together in conc. state, always into water solution,.... any Ca/Mg should go in first also,...
...about pH, with these products it's true, there's no need to adjust them after making the nute solution; however, there's no guarantee of pH being stable and staying in proper range once in the pot, even with organics.. they are less likely to go off pH, but nothing fool proof about it,... certain types of well made TLO soils can do this magic, but that's a different story vs simply using organic nutes/soil,... No matter how you grow, you need a pH meter (for liquids) and the appropriate solutions for storage and calibration, a TDS or EC meter to provide critical info about your water (along with it's pH), and in other applications, your nute solutions, and sometimes in trying to figure out problems in the grow,... lastly, and most difficult to find probably for you, where you are, is a basic soil pH probe... this will measure the actual in-pot pH, without the dubious use of run-off; finding a good quality one is a problem often overseas,.. only one I trust is either the Accurate 8 (Control Wizard, might me another brand name in EU), or a true professional unit ($$!),.... point is, there are so many things that can affect the pH once in pot, it's unwise to assume it'll stay in proper range the entire grow,.. it might, but if it goes wrong, and you have no tools to deal with it, the grow may be in danger... pH is everything, to keep nutes in available forms,... plus with organics, you need a healthy soil microbe population to break down and convert the organic nutes into absorbable forms,... I would consider looking into inoculants,... badly off pH will harm the microbes as well! Basically, pH monitoring is key to preventing troubles from starting, or catching them before they get too far out of hand!
... CO2 supplementing is pretty advanced stuff, and it's predicated on the plants growing so well/large, that the CO2 is the limiting factor in there, not nutrients... I seriously doubt you're there with these plants,... might be of limited help if the room is very well sealed and little fresh air is getting in,...:shrug:otherwise it's a waste of time and $$,... for new growers, I always recommend the KISS philosophy: Keep It Simple Stupid-- :rofl: ( an old American saying, from the military I think?)... the fewer complex variables you juggle, the better!

>> plant symptoms: edge and tip browning/wasting is usually a nute burn issue,... but with the low cumulative inputs, and it being organic, it's odd to see this,.... such symptoms are pretty generic too, other things can cause this... and here's where in-pot pH comes into play and relevance... it helps eliminate or identify the problem! .... I don't see tip burn up higher, or the distorted new growth that is often part of the symptoms of nute burn, which has me wondering about the pH more now, not less,.... the high RH% may be a contributing factor here as well,... when it gets too high, 70+%, it starts to interfere with transpiration, the movement of water from the roots up through the leaves, where it gets evaporated; this puts a drawing affect on the plant, pulling nutes and water up to the tops... in high RH%, evaporation rates plummet, something you know well if you live in humid, warm climates,... so, poor evaporation, poor water movement, poor nutrient transportation, and this can cause some odd deficiency issues to show,... Are symptoms still advancing? New pics if you can, in normal light,...
:toke: :pass: Vlada... that's soul feeding good news on how Duda is getting relief! :clapper: :karmacloud:

...So to review, BioCanna soil and nutes, all organic,.... Ca and Mg products are separate, which is fine, and yes usually using both is often best just to cover the bases,... but how much and when depends on your water source (high mineral content water is something to consider and compensate for, with Ca,.. also pH buffering)... how well the soil is amended, and what's in the base nutes... I assume the BioCanna soil is already amended, and the nute's have some Ca/Mg in them too,.. adding more automatically is not always the best, overuse is fairly common, and can lead to pH issues and other nutrient uptake problems... LED users do find they need to add extra especially later in the grow,... Oh, and do you know to never mix nutes together in conc. state, always into water solution,.... any Ca/Mg should go in first also,...
...about pH, with these products it's true, there's no need to adjust them after making the nute solution; however, there's no guarantee of pH being stable and staying in proper range once in the pot, even with organics.. they are less likely to go off pH, but nothing fool proof about it,... certain types of well made TLO soils can do this magic, but that's a different story vs simply using organic nutes/soil,... No matter how you grow, you need a pH meter (for liquids) and the appropriate solutions for storage and calibration, a TDS or EC meter to provide critical info about your water (along with it's pH), and in other applications, your nute solutions, and sometimes in trying to figure out problems in the grow,... lastly, and most difficult to find probably for you, where you are, is a basic soil pH probe... this will measure the actual in-pot pH, without the dubious use of run-off; finding a good quality one is a problem often overseas,.. only one I trust is either the Accurate 8 (Control Wizard, might me another brand name in EU), or a true professional unit ($$!),.... point is, there are so many things that can affect the pH once in pot, it's unwise to assume it'll stay in proper range the entire grow,.. it might, but if it goes wrong, and you have no tools to deal with it, the grow may be in danger... pH is everything, to keep nutes in available forms,... plus with organics, you need a healthy soil microbe population to break down and convert the organic nutes into absorbable forms,... I would consider looking into inoculants,... badly off pH will harm the microbes as well! Basically, pH monitoring is key to preventing troubles from starting, or catching them before they get too far out of hand!
... CO2 supplementing is pretty advanced stuff, and it's predicated on the plants growing so well/large, that the CO2 is the limiting factor in there, not nutrients... I seriously doubt you're there with these plants,... might be of limited help if the room is very well sealed and little fresh air is getting in,...:shrug:otherwise it's a waste of time and $$,... for new growers, I always recommend the KISS philosophy: Keep It Simple Stupid-- :rofl: ( an old American saying, from the military I think?)... the fewer complex variables you juggle, the better!

>> plant symptoms: edge and tip browning/wasting is usually a nute burn issue,... but with the low cumulative inputs, and it being organic, it's odd to see this,.... such symptoms are pretty generic too, other things can cause this... and here's where in-pot pH comes into play and relevance... it helps eliminate or identify the problem! .... I don't see tip burn up higher, or the distorted new growth that is often part of the symptoms of nute burn, which has me wondering about the pH more now, not less,.... the high RH% may be a contributing factor here as well,... when it get too high, 70+%, it starts to interfere with transpiration, the movement of water from the root up through the leaves, where it get evaporated; this puts a drawing affect on the plant, pulling nutes and water up to the tops... in high RH%, evaporation rate plummet, something you know well if you live in humid, warm climates,... so, poor evaporation, poor water movement, poor nutrient transportation, and this can cause some odd deficiency issues to show,... Are symptoms still advancing? New pics if you can, in normal light,...

Hi Waira, there are even better news so far! Duda is taking oil some 10 days now. Already after 5 days she became able to lift herself from the bed. I am not getting regulary updates on treatment and first conclusions as often and profesionalnas I wish, I am in one country, Duda is in another.
But so far here are few improvements (and it is just begining and that is what is the most beautiful about CBD & THC (even very small dose of THC will made CBD for what it is known - miracle drug!) )
This is how CBD SHIFA OIL 6%, serving at begin 10 drops 3 times a day and from recently 20 drops 2 times a day (from very begin I insisted on 25 drops 3 times a day but this is how it went so far, while people from CBD Crew think it is a bit a lot but can't hurm) affected Duda:
1. More energy
2. Ability to lift herself from the bed, to stand up, each time
3. Breaking appart atritist's fingers getting back together (just begin of it but Duda noticed it)
4. Skin got softer

Waira, thanks a lot for giving so in-detail insights. I agree with everything you said, it make sense. Have photos ready to upload.
From begin of grow, my foccus was on lowering high humidity. And I would bet, now after what you said about effect of humidity, that it is the main issue. Even with 10l/h capacity dehumifidier humidity is always above 60%, going up to 85+%, which is not good at all for led grow environment where desired humidty is below 40% (guys from grownorthern themself said that). This is why I orderd bigger tent which arrived today, to be able to put humidity at around 40%. Very happy for that!
About PH, yes, I hate to deal with it, my very first grow was with AN nutritiens and I did good job with balancing ph as plants produced quite a lot good buds. My last two growth were without any ph measurment and it went well. My present plants are quite young for me to think it is ph issue. Unfortunately I throw away ph meter and all what is used with it. And money I have are enough for buying 2 autocobs but not for more. In case it get more serious wil buy ph meter, accurate 8 as well. And I take your ph advice very seriousy.
About CO2, I don't have intake of fresh air, nor outake of warm aur so it is sailed grow space. I do upen doors several times per day but again, CO2 Boost delivers CO2 direct to plants and sailed space is not must but it helps for sure.
Do you think my plants could be way bigger for their age (day 23-24)? The smallest of 3 CBD auto WW was the first to sprout and grew the biggest. The smallest plant which I initialy wanted to remove to make space for other two bigger plants, sudenly started to grow fast and now is the biggset plant. Middle sized one, was second to sprout and soon overgrow the now the smallest one, than the biggest one. Totaly unpredictible race!
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On two smaller plants I have bended fan leafs to expose new branches to the light
Also, forgot to mention it, bio terra plus is mixed with some 20-30% of natural pumice my volcano island is full with. Pumice is collected from one hill, far from the sea and salt. It may messed up soil ph a bit. Going to buy Accurate 8
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I would say from the progression of the problem and general light appearance (though that could be incandescent light) that you have a nutrient uptake issue.
You mean ph issue as Waira pointed it out?
If so, must be because I added pumice I pick up by myself!
What would you do in my place?
New tent is in place and seems drhumifider workd fine there will post photos later. High humidity I had is another candidate to blame, beside possible ph issue.

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Day 24
New tent in use. Lighthouse Max 0.76m2, heavy duty for sure. Very same new dehumifider that didn't do any good in previous setup is rocking in new tent with humidity level as I wish 35-45%RH. Cheers!
Northern Lights I don't worry for, soon he will be transplanted to bigger pot and than again in 25l pot. He is photoperiod and has good 2 months a front to vege, sure he will recover soon. Too much light and heat did hurm to him.