Lighting Inese`s Grow

All set
Sailed enviroment, no intake/outake of air
Looks good now you have space for cobs. I hope the humidity helps.

What are you doing for fresh air?
Few times a day I like to see how plants are doing so this is the fresh air they get. But what matters I use CO2 Boost Kit to supply CO2 so not realy need for fresh air intake. Dehumifider regulate humidity, now in new tend, below 40% and rise temps to around 31C so I am happy with it. This method will not work in summer unless airconditioner is in the game. The main reason I use sailed system is security, it is very small studio I got from current job :) and there are people around. But I have to grow! ;)
I bought two diferent units for measuring soil ph, don't know if accurate but both showing 6.8-6.8 ph. Bio Canna Terra Plus has 5.8 ph, what means adding pumice did increase ph level from 5.8 to 6.8
I am not sure if this is accurate, I just waterd plants with nutritiens and after one hour I inserted ph soil meters in earth. Should I just leave it as it is or what should I do? I bought regular ph meter as well and have ph down solution.
Test the ph before watering and then test the run off at the bottom of the pot to check the difference. Or Using a decent soil probe like Accurate 8 @Waira is the expert luckily I don't usually have to worry unless I mess up.

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Test the ph before watering and then test the run off at the bottom of the pot to check the difference. Or Using a decent soil probe like Accurate 8 @Waira is the expert luckily I don't usually have to worry unless I mess up.

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Ok, I will let you know
I think you need to water a fair bit and test after initial runoff,so you will need to let them dry out afterwards Maybe @Waira will give better advice. If the probes Accurate that's easier.
... Vlada, what kind of pH units, probes? :phsoil:... if so, and they're the skinny metal rod types, they aren't to be trusted for pH... that icon I posted is of the Accurate 8 (long probe), only one of it's type that I've found reliable,...
So, the in-pot pH is showing 6.8, but the soil right from the bag is 5.8? Pumice shouldn't affect pH, it's mostly SiO2, non-reactive,...
Don't leave then in the soil for long, 2 min is fine for a stable measurement,... it they stay in there, the metal will tarnish or corrode, and make the loose accuracy....they need buffing clean to expose fresh metals surfaces,... Also, feeds, adjusted water will affect pH for a while after adding, so if you want a more accurate reading, take pH before you fertilize by a day if possible, several hours at least,.....
pH meters are for liquids only,... you'll need storage solution, and 7.0 and 4.0 calibration solutions,... if stored incorrectly, or allowed to dry out for long, it'll mess with accuracy and eventually ruin the electrodes.... always rinse clean with RO/Di water between each use or switching solutions,...
I got all I need to check ph, not accurate 8 unfortunately, it will take few weeks to ship from US to remote Greek island and will cost around $100 but defenitely must tool for future.
Thanks for sharing opinion & advices, tonight or tomorrow will do the check. Also, so far I didn't water those plants with any water runoff, as I tryed to not overwater them jet. Last 2 watering/feeding were with 1.5l for each plant (7l pot), time to increase watering amount!
Here are new photos, day 28, the tallest plantva bit over 47cm. They don't seem small compering to other plants of same age I found online. But, what do you think, how they are doing so far with only one 75W HS1? Are they propper size for 28 days old autos (beside 3rd one which is smaller)?
Day 28