New Grower Industrial Plant CBD auto/WW XXL auto Dinafem

Thanks for the opinion bro :toke: the truth is that the RH in the tent isn't very high because i'm giving priority to ladies on flowering :worship:

Anyway related to ppm im not sure at all :dizzy:
Althought in my point of view ppm/ec is not importart in soil until medium/late flower stage.
Anyway related to RH i think its not the major problem really because that i can solve with a little foliar spray or putting plants down ( sorry didnt mention they are in resin shelf inside tent to achieve an even canopy:thumbsup:)
Anyway thanks for the comment mate! Nice to have a feedback/change experiences, as i said i got no means to measure ppm yet, but's definatevilly something to consider :coffee:
Little update on the girls development:kiss:

So this is 3rd week, day 23, plants seem to be starting their stretch phase. I've been struggling a bit to maintain temps higher because is starting to snow here where i live and things are getting a bit cold :cuss:

Anyway i managed to begin the LST on the IP, had to do some light desfoliation to achieve it but think she responded well
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Already started to intruduce grow nutrients in the last two feeds because i was seeing some signs of deficiency (Details later). Also increased water by half a liter in last watering.

19/01/19 - 1L tap water + 1ml Vega + 2,5ml Zym PH 6/6.5
22/01/19 - 1,5L tap water + 2ml Vega + 2,5ml Zym PH 6/6.5

Some shots taken today:´

WW XXL auto:
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IP CBD auto:
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So, in the previous update i had some yellow spots on the Widow but didn't spread and i think it's under control. But now it's the turn for the IP to complain herself :doh::biggrin:
As you guys can see on the IP some bottom fan leafs are a bit yellow and with some rusty spots. I think it might be some Mag deficiency...
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Any opinions/advices?? im really trying to avoid buying another bottle of supplements, but if it has to be...:mrgreen: maybe anyone cam pass me a homemade solution for it? I saw that Epsom salts are a good source of Mag but i don´t know where to buy them... apart from the internet, with shipping costs
@HoneyBee btw what you think of it bro? :pass:
I will wait a few days to see if the problem dosn't spread. If not i will post the case in the infirmary section to try to get some help.

Good day to all AFN :jointman::toke:
Nice update! You are doing great! Thank you for sharing.

By the way, I wonder if those new leaf symptoms of brown spots started after you upgraded the water quantity and the nutrients. It could be slight overwatering. Does the plant look a little droopy? Do some of the leaves also look nute burned near the middle to top area? My guess would be a result of pH imbalance, too high ppm, or overwatering. :baked: Lets see what the others think. You are really on top of things though, and so it could easily be corrected.
Nice update! You are doing great! Thank you for sharing.

By the way, I wonder if those new leaf symptoms of brown spots started after you upgraded the water quantity and the nutrients. It could be slight overwatering. Does the plant look a little droopy? Do some of the leaves also look nute burned near the middle to top area? My guess would be a result of pH imbalance, too high ppm, or overwatering. :baked: Lets see what the others think. You are really on top of things though, and so it could easily be corrected.

I really dont know mate, i'm more inclined for a Mag deficiency but then again im no expert in deficiencys :mrgreen: and maybe they are too young to show already a high deficiency on Mag...
You might be right about the overwater dosage. Althought the IP didnt show signs of droopy leafs, the Whidow was a bit droppy yesterday, and they are beeing feed the same dosage up to date, maybe they didnt took well the change from 1L to 1,5L. I will go back to 1L dosage the next watering anyway :thumbsup:
I've been checking daily and symptons dont seem to be spreading... 4 leafs are afected and they are all bottom fan leafs
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She seems healthy anyway. Today when check it she was "praiyng to the lights":bow: nice vision :biggrin:
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At the end of this month i will buy the EC/PPM Pen for sure... and maybe inclined to get some cal/mag supplement also
Today was goodies day :woohoo:
Received some beans that i've ordered from Dinafem. OG Kush auto, Haze CBD auto and a freebie C+2.0 auto
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Also i stopped by the grow shop where i usually buy stuff, showed my case to the guy and he adviced me an Seaweed extract from Platinium brand.
Its a organic nitrogen based fertilizer for the veg phase, it contains boron, calcium, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, molybdenum and sulfur. Recomended usage is 2ml to 5ml per Litre to use until the third week of flowering. Can also be used as foliar spray. Never used it before but i'll give it a try.
He also offered me a ATA cal/mag solution. But i think i will go for the seaweed extract for now see how it goes. Fingers crossed.:goodluck:
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very few folks can get away without having some form of cal/mag to hand.
to me the very bottom most leaves get splashes,take a lot of abuse and dont get much light.i usually rip off the bottom 2 leaves after 3 weeks,then again at 6 weeks.
worry if it moves to the next 2 leaves and next 2 after that :smokeit:looking good :thumbsup:
keep er lit
very few folks can get away without having some form of cal/mag to hand.
to me the very bottom most leaves get splashes,take a lot of abuse and dont get much light.i usually rip off the bottom 2 leaves after 3 weeks,then again at 6 weeks.
worry if it moves to the next 2 leaves and next 2 after that :smokeit:looking good :thumbsup:
keep er lit

You're right bro:yeahthat: I've been checking them daily and it seems not be spreading so i try not to bust my head thinking about it :wall: :biggrin:
Anyway i will try the seaweed extract on them but light feed next watering, i think it wont do no harm :pass: