New Grower Industrial Plant CBD auto/WW XXL auto Dinafem


Dec 16, 2018
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Hey AFN :cheers:
So i decided to start this new grow diary to share my experience with you all and to get some advices/opinions on how to give this ladies the best treatment.
Im relatively new to growing MJ and this is my second run with this equipment

Quick view on the setup:
100x100x200 BBS tent
Extract fan 420 m3h 125mm
Intract fan 185 m3h 125mm
BullFilter 400 m3h
400W HPS
Glass ventilated reflector
BioBizz LightMix
BioCanna Nutrients: Rhizotonic, CannaZym, BioVega, BioBoost, BioFlores
15L SmartPots

Dinafem Industrial Plant CBD auto
Dinafem White Widow XXL auto

So the germination process started at 26-12-18 using the paper towel method, with a plate over another with just a tiny breach for air to flow, then it went inside my tent for better climate.
View media item 17067

At day 28-12-18 they both had already a tiny taproot showing so they went straight to final 15L pots in the same day
View media item 17068

Day 30-12-18 i count this has day one, both seedlings sprouted from earth. I add a little cap to each one first few days just to raise a bit the humidity because they are sharing the tent with other big ladies and humidity is not that high

IP CBD auto:
View media item 17057View media item 17058

WW XXL auto:
View media item 17060View media item 17061
First feed was very light at sprout day only PH'd tap water with pipette
At day 3 i gave them 250ml each with 0,5ml Rhizo + 0,5 Cannazym
Increasing the dose each watering the first week, at the end of the week i was giving them 500ml water + 1ml Rhizo + 1,25 Cannzym

These are them at day 7

IP CBD auto:
View media item 17059

WW XXL auto:
View media item 17062

Feed is still the same up to date with the 500ml water + 1ml Rhizo + 1,25 Cannazym each feed.
Yesterday (day 12th) i topped them both. Actually i think the better expression is "Fim" as i removed the tiny set of new leaves at the top just by bending them a bit with my thumbnail, i've never had done this process before so i hope i did it well:rolleyes1: maybe someone can give me their opinion.

So this is them today at day 13 the IP had a good start, i think she will be really bushy. The widow is catching up thou and is a bit taller. Also i see some canoeing in the leafs... maybe heat related idk but not seriouslly worried by now:smoker1:

IP CBD auto:
View media item 17066View media item 17065

WW XXL auto:
View media item 17064View media item 17063

So guys this is pretty much it. Photo Qaulity is not he best i know... Will try to fix that soon. Feel free to pass by and give opinions/critics are all welcome. Has i said before im not an experienced grower and i know i will encounter problems further in the grow :biggrin: count with you guys:smokeout:
cheers for starting a journal :thumbsup: nice kit great strains and looking spot on for day 13 :smokeit:
good luck n keep er lit.

Thanks for the support :thumbsup: let's see how it goes :biggrin:

All are looking healthy. I'll be curious about how you will like the Industrial Plant. The first time I grew one, I did not get much of a high at all. The ones I grew after were stronger. Lots o' luck.

Yeah bro i chosed it mainly to see if her CBD rate can help ease muscle pain, hope she can help me after a hard days work :joy:
I got 2 IPCBD’s in my garden right now and that WWxxl in next on my list, so I’m grabbing a chair. Looking nice and healthy so far!
Yeah bro i chosed it mainly to see if her CBD rate can help ease muscle pain, hope she can help me after a hard days work
I'm sure it will do right by you. I got some relief, no reason you shouldn't. I'm in the process of moving to all cbd plants, which is leaving me with a bunch of seeds that I won't be using.
I got 2 IPCBD’s in my garden right now and that WWxxl in next on my list, so I’m grabbing a chair. Looking nice and healthy so far!

Thanks for stopping by mate :cheers: maybe you can give me some advice later on with the IP's :biggrin:
Regarding the WW i highly recommend it, i'm finishing one atm (day 55) and the Dinafem ones have really good genetics, even with all the mistakes i did :baked:

I'm sure it will do right by you. I got some relief, no reason you shouldn't. I'm in the process of moving to all cbd plants, which is leaving me with a bunch of seeds that I won't be using.

Me too bro. Myself i was a heavy smoker for over 15 years, but for a year now i'm really decreasing. Just don't have the feeling to always be high as a kite on the street :drunks:
Like to take my bong hits when i come from work or when hanging with friends mostly... all i heard is good things about this CBD strains, think they will fit me just fine :coffee:
I’m subbed!! Plants are off to a good start, good luck!!
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So guys here's a new update on the ladies:ladies:

Today is day 17 plants seem to be growing good and well recovered from the Fimming :woohoo1:
Didnt intruce any nutrients yet, only giving them Rhizotonic (root estimulator) and Cannazym (enzymes) on every watering. Water them today and only raised the quantity of water, now giving them 1L, cuz i saw that they were drinking more and dried up too quick.
Feed is at 1L + 2ml Rhizo + 2,5ml Zym
Also started to LST them a bit, however on the IP is turning to be really dificult because she is really bushy and her nodes are short and branches tick. On her i've only been tucking some leaves, i hope i will be on time to LST her when she starts to stretch more.

Some picts
WW XXL auto:
View media item 17143View media item 17142View media item 17144

IP CBD auto:
View media item 17140View media item 17139View media item 17141

Already encountering some problems also... in the WW got some signs of burn at the top...:cuss:
View media item 17145I think that maybe it was because i didn't had much air flow on them, so i switched my fan to a higher gear.

Also on the bottom 3 fingered fan leaf i see some yeallow spoting on the edges.
View media item 17146 Maybe starting signs of N deficiency?:confused1: I was thinking of only start the feed on the 4th week, but now i might have to introduce Veg nuts a bit earlier... what you guys think??