Indoor Photoperiod Growbattle.

Thanks @daggersstrain ... I've come to the same conclusion... took my dog for a walk to do some recon after bringing the plants in and opening the garage door back up... there really wasn't much visible from his point of view. He works at night and hadn' left for the evening yet, which walking from his garage to his truck is when he has line of sight to my garage. Ive lived here for 11 years and would hate to have to pack up and move cause a pig moved in across the street. Don't get me wrong.. I'd LOVE to move to a legal state, but it isn't an option at the moment.
I feel ya there. I'm not taking leave the state just his street. One time your inline fan dies or electric goes out whatever your plants they will smell. And cops don't want that beside them if it's not legal that's for sure. That's my honest opinion. Prison isn't worth it and shit happens . Electric will go out or something eventually us know. Just remember that. Weed smell travels a long ways . Him being across the street would be bad if anything happens. I can't stand Fucking cops legal state or no. They all power hungry,picked on high school kids that have something to prove. Certain breed are cops and I've never met one I liked .

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I've gotten roots with just water as well.. You are correct.. Gels and powders arent needed, but they help us beginners because it covers up for some of our mistakes until we learn enough to know better. I use pure Aloe now and make my cuts exactly like in the vid. I'm 9 for 9 so far this way. When previously it was a crap shoot! Lol
Do what works for u brother . But honestly a bucket an airpump and water is pretty simple. They won't die in water no matter what. I've never killed one this way lucky for me lol

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I feel ya there. I'm not taking leave the state just his street. One time your inline fan dies or electric goes out whatever your plants they will smell. And cops don't want that beside them if it's not legal that's for sure. That's my honest opinion. Prison isn't worth it and shit happens . Electric will go out or something eventually us know. Just remember that. Weed smell travels a long ways . Him being across the street would be bad if anything happens. I can't stand Fucking cops legal state or no. They all power hungry,picked on high school kids that have something to prove. Certain breed are cops and I've never met one I liked .

Sent from my HTCD100LVWPP using Tapatalk

Yessir you are very correct about the ones who "serve and protect":haha::rofl:
More like accuse and fuck over if ya ask me. Right now I have sleestak, WiFi x chem4, and LaPlata Labs' Colorado Clementine that are 40 days in flower and the Colorado Clems are overpowering an 8inch fan and filter. They tout that strain as having "aromas of 11 on a 10 scale" and it's no fucking lie! They smelled like a bag of tangerines in veg and early flower but now the skunk & funk is coming through powerfully. I keep a 5kW generator at the ready for any power outages that may arise, but this little incident has caused me to re-assess my OPSEC. Off to the store for another fan aND filter first thing in the morning. I'm also gonna take a few of my wife's houseplants out to the garage and place them exactly where the cannabis plants were and leave the door open all day for a couple days:shrug::shrug:
Couldn't hurt, right? Heres a shot of the girls
and a close up of the Colorado clementines
now with flash... so damn frosty it blinds the camera!
Ok, just one more... such a beautiful picture that I can't help it. Lol This is one of the dark devils
Thought it was ready but looking at trichs, I see no amber so she lives to see a few more sunrises.
Thanks @daggersstrain ... I've come to the same conclusion... took my dog for a walk to do some recon after bringing the plants in and opening the garage door back up... there really wasn't much visible from his point of view. He works at night and hadn' left for the evening yet, which walking from his garage to his truck is when he has line of sight to my garage. Ive lived here for 11 years and would hate to have to pack up and move cause a pig moved in across the street. Don't get me wrong.. I'd LOVE to move to a legal state, but it isn't an option at the moment.

I also dont live in a legal have to do what you feel is the right move bud!! Trust your instincts, sounds like you are in the clear with the recon of your garage.

Updated @Ash-a-Ton , @daggersstrain ,

Yessir you are very correct about the ones who "serve and protect":haha::rofl:
More like accuse and fuck over if ya ask me. Right now I have sleestak, WiFi x chem4, and LaPlata Labs' Colorado Clementine that are 40 days in flower and the Colorado Clems are overpowering an 8inch fan and filter. They tout that strain as having "aromas of 11 on a 10 scale" and it's no fucking lie! They smelled like a bag of tangerines in veg and early flower but now the skunk & funk is coming through powerfully. I keep a 5kW generator at the ready for any power outages that may arise, but this little incident has caused me to re-assess my OPSEC. Off to the store for another fan aND filter first thing in the morning. I'm also gonna take a few of my wife's houseplants out to the garage and place them exactly where the cannabis plants were and leave the door open all day for a couple days:shrug::shrug:
Couldn't hurt, right? Heres a shot of the girls
View attachment 828599and a close up of the Colorado clementinesView attachment 828604now with flash... so damn frosty it blinds the camera!
View attachment 828605

Wow...Colorado Clem!! She has my attention!! Awesome earylish flower crystal! Hmmm no pics of zkittles though?
I also dont live in a legal have to do what you feel is the right move bud!! Trust your instincts, sounds like you are in the clear with the recon of your garage.

Updated @Ash-a-Ton , @daggersstrain ,

Wow...Colorado Clem!! She has my attention!! Awesome earylish flower crystal! Hmmm no pics of zkittles though?
Ive actually never grown the zkittles before... only photos I have are of the (now 3) babies that are experiencing a very slow start to life due to their little humpty dumpty incident the other night. I'l post an update pic shortly though
Hey @Ash-a-Ton ... do you have a pic of the most recent clone you cut?
I can get one in a few. Have 3 i was going to pull plug on. Almost 2 weeks and no roots coming through. Did not cut at nodes lol. Oh well. No biggie.
I can get one in a few. Have 3 i was going to pull plug on. Almost 2 weeks and no roots coming through. Did not cut at nodes lol. Oh well. No biggie.
You'll get this one... I have faith in you! Try to keep it out of any sort of intense light also. If you have any control over its Temps also, the warmer side will be better for her