Indoor Photoperiod Growbattle.

Here's my update... not a good one unfortunately... these babies have had a tough start to their lives to say the least. I was laying in bed just after midnight lastnight when my wife came upstairs and said "your little babies on top of the dryer fell off and there's dirt all over the floor. I need you to come help me clean it up". I get down to the laundry room and there is my tray and humidity dome on the floor with dirt everywhere, and the cups are on top of the dryer.

One of the seedlings managed to stay somewhat in the dirt with its roots intact , 2 others were laying in an empty cup that she put on the dryer, and the other I didn't see anywhere.

I told her get the broom and I'd go grab a dustpan... well when I got back she had a big pile of dirt swept up in the floor and said she still didn't find the other seedling. After a couple of seconds of searching, I see it tangled up in the brooms bristles.

Admittedly, I was kinda angry by now so I told her she could go on to bed and I'd finish cleaning up the mess.
I cleaned it up and went and found the lightest soil I had to replant them in. The one that I untangled from the broom had no hairs longer than 1/4 inch left coming off of the taproot, but I said what the hell and replanted it anyway... here is the aftermathlooks like a murder scene to me LOL.
View attachment 827295

Now it' been 24 hours since the ordeal and to my most amazing surprise, they are all still alive!

I do think I may now hold the record for the smallest plant that's ever been supercropped. Here they are now View attachment 827294
After I got it all taken care of, I went back to bed and asked my wife what happened. She said the dryer wasn't sitting evenly on the ground and it must have shook them off. I went back to have a look and it seemed to be just fine to me, so I went back and asked her what was in it. That's when I found out she had a damn king sized down pillow in there all by itself. I took it down and the threw it in the dryer, started it and that was all I needed to know. :crying:
The dryer instantly transformed into a bucking bronco trying to throw it's rider, which at the time happened to be my seedling tray.
Watching that fucker jump around like a bullfrog on Crack made me laugh so hard I couldn't be mad anymore... now that they're all still alive it's even funnier.

Happy growing everyone

Way to keep a good outlook on something that could have been much worse, glad the gals are ok!

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Here's the clan. Have a beautiful night everyone

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She will be flipped and trained this coming weekend ish.
About 10 days out ish on my big girl. But here is my photo pic
Very healthy
Needs serious bondage.
I think my cloning skills suck. Over a week. Still no roots.
She will be flipped and trained this coming weekend ish.
About 10 days out ish on my big girl. But here is my photo pic
Very healthy
Needs serious bondage.
I think my cloning skills suck. Over a week. Still no roots.
View attachment 828012 View attachment 828013 View attachment 828014
What kind of cloning contraption is that? Are you using a hormone gel or powder? I dip mine in a gel or powder.. Stick the clone in a solo cup with damp soil and some mykos.. Then put the cup w/clone inside a zip lock baggie. 7 days later without fail I've got roots. Even on autos.
What kind of cloning contraption is that? Are you using a hormone gel or powder? I dip mine in a gel or powder.. Stick the clone in a solo cup with damp soil and some mykos.. Then put the cup w/clone inside a zip lock baggie. 7 days later without fail I've got roots. Even on autos.
Lol just a big tupperware with some vent holes to breathe. And remo cloning gel i got from my bro
What kind of cloning contraption is that? Are you using a hormone gel or powder? I dip mine in a gel or powder.. Stick the clone in a solo cup with damp soil and some mykos.. Then put the cup w/clone inside a zip lock baggie. 7 days later without fail I've got roots. Even on autos.
How do you prep cuttings? Mind giving me a lil play by play. About to top my girl 1 last time. Might as well try to get a clone 1 more time lol
How do you prep cuttings? Mind giving me a lil play by play. About to top my girl 1 last time. Might as well try to get a clone 1 more time lol

Bro!! I swear by this tutorial vid!! From the 2:00 minute mark to 2:30 mark! I think that little piece is what most beginners like us miss. I know I was missing it. Snip off some bottoms leaves off the cutting, then make the 45 degree cut right under the node you just snipped off of! Then dip the clone in gel, covering that node. The new roots start from tge nodes. I never knew that!
