Indoor Photoperiod Growbattle.

To hell with wasting money on cloning gel. Get a bucket with water and an air stone . No gel nutes or shit just plain water and air and u will have roots

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More bad news here... not sure what I'm gonna do yet. Im in a prohibition state and have the unfortunate luck of having a sheriff directly across the street that moved in a couple months ago. I didn't find it till 15 minutes ago but my 9 year old son somehow opened the garage door this morning and right there for the world to see for 11 hours was 3 dark devil autos over 4 feet tall ready for harvest. Ive also got a veg and flower area both full so Im scared shitless to say the least. I'm going to go harvest the autos and think about what I'm going to do a bit more. FML... if it weren't for shit ass bad luck, I would have none whatsoever
More bad news here... not sure what I'm gonna do yet. Im in a prohibition state and have the unfortunate luck of having a sheriff directly across the street that moved in a couple months ago. I didn't find it till 15 minutes ago but my 9 year old son somehow opened the garage door this morning and right there for the world to see for 11 hours was 3 dark devil autos over 4 feet tall ready for harvest. Ive also got a veg and flower area both full so Im scared shitless to say the least. I'm going to go harvest the autos and think about what I'm going to do a bit more. FML... if it weren't for shit ass bad luck, I would have none whatsoever
Dude if that cop seen them you would've had cops at your door a long time ago. Apparently he wasn't home. And alot of people have no idea what weed looks like growing especially at bud time . So count your blessing and seriously move from there if u can lol. Cops living beside u growing weed or not isn't the neighbor u want that's for sure. Motherfuckers make your life their business . Don't think they don't watch who lives beside them. U got lucky bro . U can breath

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To hell with wasting money on cloning gel. Get a bucket with water and an air stone . No gel nutes or shit just plain water and air and u will have roots

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Got a vid of this by chance?
Bro!! I swear by this tutorial vid!! From the 2:00 minute mark to 2:30 mark! I think that little piece is what most beginners like us miss. I know I was missing it. Snip off some bottoms leaves off the cutting, then make the 45 degree cut right under the node you just snipped off of! Then dip the clone in gel, covering that node. The new roots start from tge nodes. I never knew that!

The node... Damn. Think thats the part i been missing. But rep for this vid. Much better than the one i caught on utube
Got a vid of this by chance?
Nope but here's one I put in three days ago and it's got spotting where roots will be showing up

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That's how I do it. I can't afford to buy shit so I started that. Works no problem. Black bucket and an air stone

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And if I can make that vine root lol ,u know it works on smaller ones

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Dude if that cop seen them you would've had cops at your door a long time ago. Apparently he wasn't home. And alot of people have no idea what weed looks like growing especially at bud time . So count your blessing and seriously move from there if u can lol. Cops living beside u growing weed or not isn't the neighbor u want that's for sure. Motherfuckers make your life their business . Don't think they don't watch who lives beside them. U got lucky bro . U can breath

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Thanks @daggersstrain ... I've come to the same conclusion... took my dog for a walk to do some recon after bringing the plants in and opening the garage door back up... there really wasn't much visible from his point of view. He works at night and hadn' left for the evening yet, which walking from his garage to his truck is when he has line of sight to my garage. Ive lived here for 11 years and would hate to have to pack up and move cause a pig moved in across the street. Don't get me wrong.. I'd LOVE to move to a legal state, but it isn't an option at the moment.
I've gotten roots with just water as well.. You are correct.. Gels and powders arent needed, but they help us beginners because it covers up for some of our mistakes until we learn enough to know better. I use pure Aloe now and make my cuts exactly like in the vid. I'm 9 for 9 so far this way. When previously it was a crap shoot! Lol