Eat more fish, no hot showers/baths (only cold or warm) no tight underwear, don't smoke, avoid alcohol... All things I did and made two mini versions of me about a month later.
Hell, still love practicing, though...

I made huuge mistake on not doing proper PCT when I came of Juice (steroids) this fall..
My dumb ass tout if I get normal erection and sperm its all good..
But boooy wasI way wrong.. I quit smoking weed ( I dont smoke cigarettes or tobacco (I dont never saw point in that, especially for us weed smokers )(like wtf you need that crap ))
Eatin More vegetables,And try do go to gym at least 4 times a week..

@Froot n Fuel Thank you dude for your kind words, they do look much better in person, On this pictures trichomes are hidden, and few off them are frosty as hell, I was fine with fucked up leafs but airiness of buds really struck me yesterday.. And that fucking cobs height above canopy still bothers me..I keep them now at 70cm.. its 410w from the wall.. When I had critical 2.0 under one single autocob she went with really nice tight buds, buds but bud rot killed that grow.. Now when I got rid of it now it's def. problems..Like God give me a break already!
I made huuge mistake on not doing proper PCT when I came of Juice (steroids) this fall..
My dumb ass tout if I get normal erection and sperm its all good..
But boooy wasI way wrong.. I quit smoking weed ( I dont smoke cigarettes or tobacco (I dont never saw point in that, especially for us weed smokers )(like wtf you need that crap ))
Eatin More vegetables,And try do go to gym at least 4 times a week..

@Froot n Fuel Thank you dude for your kind words, they do look much better in person, On this pictures trichomes are hidden, and few off them are frosty as hell, I was fine with fucked up leafs but airiness of buds really struck me yesterday.. And that fucking cobs height above canopy still bothers me..I keep them now at 70cm.. its 410w from the wall.. When I had critical 2.0 under one single autocob she went with really nice tight buds, buds but bud rot killed that grow.. Now when I got rid of it now it's def. problems..Like God give me a break already!
I valued my junk too much to get into juicing back when I was lifting. I'm a hard gainer, So they looked like a viable option... My buddy and I did a side by side comparison, Since he and I were built the same, maxed the same etc etc. He juiced, I ate three times as much. It took me six months longer to get my body weight up to 265lbs, But my strength and size remained longer, and took minimal work to maintain...and I didn't wind up with heart problems.
I valued my junk too much to get into juicing back when I was lifting. I'm a hard gainer, So they looked like a viable option... My buddy and I did a side by side comparison, Since he and I were built the same, maxed the same etc etc. He juiced, I ate three times as much. It took me six months longer to get my body weight up to 265lbs, But my strength and size remained longer, and took minimal work to maintain...and I didn't wind up with heart problems.
Fck it I was always short route guy.. But I cant say that I had any heavy cycles.. Once you try it even some slight orals you get me that the real drug, coz you see your progress..
But was is done is done..I'm off now going all natural and hoping to have offspring soon..
Here are some pics in the dark..they look much frostier...


So One thing is bothering me, are those autumn colors or some heavy ass def???
That harvested Samsquatch OG gave me 77g of dry bud,and if we Add 50g of buds that I broke , this was my most yielded plant ever .And I must say that they are suuper Airy..I cant judge potency because I dont smoke , but my wife says it's heavy hitting on her eyes making it hard to keep open, but she is very light smoker ( she smokes joint by few puffs,then leave it for a while,so One of my joint last her 2 days minimum)) so she isnt much of orientation for guessing potency,we will see what will my friends say... I jarred buds,but I will take one pics of them tommorrow..I think this will be strain that I will grow again.
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is that the 24C's that are yellowing fast?

good looking buds, they don't look airy like you say, but difficult to tell in photographs. do you find they tend to tighten up as they dry? i have just harvested my first three Mephistos, some dense buds and some loose...wonder how they will finish up.
Yes first 4 pictures are 24c... I dont feel like their gonna to tighten up, It never does, it can only get looser, but I'm not selling so I really dont give A f.. Only thing is they consume more space and that's it., that Jar is really big.
For me only important thing is potency and taste of weed..
same, i started growing just for me and the missus. flavour and effect before everything else for sure.

how do you usually dry after harvesting?
do you use the trim for extracts etc?
@Froot n Fuel I didnt ask you,what are you growing from mephisto?? And forgot to add I'm really poor plant reader and still searching what is right distance for my cobs from canopy..So maybe that is the reason of airy buds..I dont know.
That harvested Samsquatch OG gave me 77g of dry bud,and if we Add 50g of buds that I broke , this was my most yielded plant ever .And I must say that they are suuper Airy..I cant judge potency because I dont smoke , but my wife says it's heavy hitting on her eyes making it hard to keep open, but she is very light smoker ( she smokes joint by few puffs,then leave it for a while,so One of my joint last her 2 days minimum)) so she isnt much of orientation for guessing potency,we will see what will my friends say... I jarred buds,but I will take one pics of them tommorrow..I think this will be strain that I will grow again.
hi pal i just harvested a samsquanch og couple of weeks ago shes wonderful in my 2 vaporizer one of my friends who grows photos said its the best weed hes ever tasted also i only just found this thread guys nice to meet you all