Mephisto Genetics Illuminauto #17 Heisenhound

Apr 24, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Pure Michigan auto
My first Mephisto grow and excited to get going on the beans I just received from the Illuminauto drop. I jumped straight into a grow off with the double grapes a few minutes after I tried on my new Mephisto T! My lady really wants one of the Farm Fam T's :):kiss: Where do I order?
farm friends tee.jpg

I dropped two Heisenhound beans in a cup of water for 24 hrs then into paper towel, at 48 hours they had 1/2" roots. I put them in a 3 gallon air pot for now with promix, additional perlite and Mykos. I'm using Fox Farm Trio, Botanicare cal/mag and Grandma's molasses for nutrients. For their first 2-3 weeks they'll be under a MH 600 then I'll slide them under my new Amare SE450 for the stretch.

Illuminauto 17 - Heisenhound - (Heisenberg Special x Sour Hound)

Previously a freebie from the first illuminautos drop, after such great reviews we had a ruffle in the fridge and found we just had enough to offer as a standalone illuminauto!

Her makeup is Heisenberg Special (24 carat x walter white) x Sour Hound.

During a test grow of Heisenberg Special we found two delightful candidates we just couldn't ignore, and the timing worked out perfectly as we had just completed the Sour Hound F2 run.

This is a total polyhybrid of Mephisto goodness, sampling Sour, Sweet, Rank, Fuel flavours with genetic influence from Afghan, Chem, Kush and Cush!

Plant size - Medium
Cycle time - 65 - 70 days from sprout ................................................

Time to meet the ladies...

Did you see the fly?

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I am Definatly subbed up on this grow @iampepe fo show. I got some of them also and now I'll get a nice preview of the HH. Got a full house in my garden so I can't start some for about 2 months. Glad you are sharing with us.

Edit: nice pics btw.
I am Definatly subbed up on this grow @iampepe fo show. I got some of them also and now I'll get a nice preview of the HH. Got a full house in my garden so I can't start some for about 2 months. Glad you are sharing with us.

Edit: nice pics btw.
Subbed! Excellent photography. O, I did see the fly. I hate FLIES! ugh
Subbed up pepe mate. Looking forward to this one- and as already mentioned your macro photography skills are the best ive ever seen on afn
subbed! sounds great dude! :vibe:
Subbed up
Subbed.... anything with Heisenberg genetics in there has got to be a killer smoke :pass:
Good morning guys :coffee2: I'm trying to get going this morning, my lady and I were out around a fire till early this am star gazing into the milky way. Thanks for the kind words, AFN rocks! @TaNg can take some pretty sweet pictures too, check out his journals. I just went and checked on the ladies, both have lost their casings and should be opening up today. Today will be day [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]. I'm growing perpetually so I'll be popping a couple Mephisto beans every 10 days or so. After showing my lady a couple of @atticassason white chem photo's she decided were growing those in the rotation. I'm good with that cause I could not make up my mind which to start next, she drew Heisenhound out of a hat. With these awesome @mephisto genetics how is one supposed to decide? A good problem to have I reckon. :jointman: Take care and have a great day! :joy:
That's an all-star lineup. You did your home work well buddy!!!! You and you're lady both, great picks!!! Can't wait to see them all take off.