Mephisto Genetics Illuminauto #17 Heisenhound

Nice work! We'll be watching.

The farm friends tee's we'll be working on getting made soon, along with a bunch of others :D
:thanks: I'll order a couple T's as soon as you have that sorted, give's me an excuse to get more beans.
download (11).jpg
The Heisenhounds are a week old now.... I watered with 3ml cal/mag per gallon. I use a moisture meter to check my plants and water till the bottom is wet, with no run off. I wont need to water for a few days, their next watering will most likely have some nutrients. :thumbsup: I'm spraying one of them with Overgrow throughout the grow.


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Day 13 all is well, gave them lite nutes last night. I dropped 3 White Chems in a glass of water for 24 hours, placed them in paper towel on my Onkyo reciever last night, this morning we have roots!

Phone pictures are lacking ...
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Heisenhounds Day 25
The lady I have been spraying with Overgrow is outpacing her sister. She's a full node ahead. They both are now under the Amare se450. I planned on transplanting these into 5 gallon pots from the beginning but they are staying for the duration in 3 gallon pots. The Menage a Tyrones got the two free 5 gallon pots. :smoking:

Grow on...