Big surprise on the Lemon Pie Auto, returned a shedload of top quality weed, there was only about an ounce and a half of that that was sort of larfy undergrowth

but was still absolutely covered in dense trichomes such that I was getting a return of about .52 from 3.7g

of weed that would be about 70% RH, which works well in the fat mac as the steam build up both keeps the oil cool and pushes it out under pressure. All the rest of the weed is just super sticky bud. not much trimming needed I ended up leaving a lot of the sugar leaves and longer leaves on that I would normally cut off because they were covered. Now the buds have a nice rustic outdoors look, but if you take a look through a loupe, it's just a sea of crusty trichomes. This produces not much more on average .65g rosin per 3.8g of bud.
I wasn't expecting more that about 8 zips, maybe 9 as I knew she would be heavy with
child juicy bulbous trichomes, but over 13.2 zips was a genuine surprise, especially as this is my first non topped plant that was totally bent over. I'm gonna grow another one of these after the amnesia and top it to see the difference. However this has completely made me rethink the whole concept of topping, it does make a nice rounded even shape. Now I'm nervous that I won't be able to beat 13.2 by topping. However I can see that a plant has to be amenable to being bent over, she needs a bit of early flexibility, whereas, every plant can cope with a topping. IMO.
This is a very refined plant and I wouldn't be surprised if it was a medicinal strain due to the slightly sweet and spicy flavour, although she is strongly diesel to smell the buds, much like the Purple Gorilla, but unlike the PG, there's no overwhelming terpene profile, just a subtle lemon spice, she's only been cut a week ago so I'm expecting some more complexity. I could see the resin begin to run out of the fat mac just from being warm, that's how runny and full it is.