If your working small amounts you can scrape it off the screen,.. press it with the 25mic squeezing cloth they provide... then press it with your fingers into a coin shaped object...let it dry out overnight turning after 6 hours... then put that coin in a baggie and put it in your pocket or armpit for 15mins... then take your coin and start kneading it squishing it over and over till your ball/coin becomes black as the ace of spades...sof and forever unstable at high temps...such as your pocket... the flavor shoots way up the burn is way better and the bag appeal is 100% black hash.
Very small amounts can be worked right away by pressing with the squeezer cloth wrapped with paper towels to extract all the water you can, once you have pressed it enough and the paper towel is dry also take your coin size piece and then put that coin in a baggie and put it in your pocket or armpit for 15mins... then take your coin and start kneading it squishing it over and over till your ball/coin becomes black as the ace of spades...sof and forever unstable at high temps...such as your pocket... the flavor shoots way up the burn is way better and the bag appeal is 100% black hash.