Extraction Ice Water Extraction Thread

Where did you get your bags from Cres or did you already post this and I just missed it somewhere?
I have multiple bags and brands, I did R and D on sprung bags, and even picked the name. There basically identical to bubble bags... There all you need for small amounts of leaf/buds.

All your quality hash lies between 160 to 25... With 70-25 being the best IMO. But I make for Cali resale and mine is 160-25 commercial...
Where can I get them? And are you saying that 70-25 is all I need or 160-25?
IMO everything between 220-160 is nasty no flavor gritty and weak it's mostly plant and broken cell matter.

If you have a 5 bag set you can try the levels... But it's clear there is a reason for the three bag set and 5..
16.5 gram Bubble Hash run from left over Think Different buds and trim. My bags are getting worn out so I ordered new ones. The ones I have been using have 5 bags but they are full mesh the ones I just ordered are only mesh on the bottom. The ones i have are better for making dry ice hash....The product was shitty it was a paper bag with about 3oz I had forgotten about for the last couple months so it was dusty and dry so I wanted to see what would happen. most was in the 93 bag and it was not blonde but still has a good smell and will try it today. I tried a different technique this time instead of adding ice and water then product I inserted my work bag into bucket then a layer of ice, layer of trim, layer of ice, layer of trim, layer of ice, layer of trim, then a thick layer of ice. I then added ice cold water and let set for 10 min. I then started to hand mix this time instead of a batter mixer mixing 5 minutes until foamy and repeating 4 times to a total of about 20 minutes of hand mixing with a large spoon. I let it set for 10 more min before removing material and work bag. I then dumped water into the 5 bags inside each other smallest one on the outside. I always disguard 1st bag 120 micron and use the 93, 73, and 25 micron. I did not get light colored blonde this time but I got a larger amount . I repeated those steps one more time for a second run totaling 16.5 grams. I cant wait to run my blue dream through my new bags for my upcoming harvest... hash.jpg
Bubble Bags

Just bought an 8 bag, 5 gallon bubble hash bag system and have never tried doing this before. I've got about a gallon milk jug full of trim leaves and a ton of trimmed stems from recently harvested plants; is there anything I can do with this as far as the the bubble hash bags are concerned?

Just bought an 8 bag, 5 gallon bubble hash bag system and have never tried doing this before. I've got about a gallon milk jug full of trim leaves and a ton of trimmed stems from recently harvested plants; is there anything I can do with this as far as the the bubble hash bags are concerned?

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I suggest being careful with the stem, as they could rip a hole in your bags....I usually save the stems for other stuffs.
Got my kit from Gotham, 4 1gal bags 220, 160, 73, 25 and press screen. About $28 but had no instructions, who cares I have AFN. I still need to get a few things if I am going to do this again. I put 90gr of trim and 20gr of bud in the freezer last week when I ordered the kit. This morning I put about 30gr of trim in the work bag (220) and layered it between ice. Waited 10min, mixed for 10min, dumped the water through the other 3 bags into another bucket and scraped pond scum from the 73 and 25 screens. Repeated this 3 times got maybe 1.5gr (still drying, slight green tint). It works. I did not crush the ice and I think I should have mixed longer each time. I the larger bags might be easier to work with, I spent over 2 hours and was expecting a little more for the effort. On the other hand I would have trashed this stuff and just the 1 hit I took was nice, I think I will put the effort into this it needs to get a better return on my labor.
Got my kit from Gotham, 4 1gal bags 220, 160, 73, 25 and press screen. About $28 but had no instructions, who cares I have AFN. I still need to get a few things if I am going to do this again. I put 90gr of trim and 20gr of bud in the freezer last week when I ordered the kit. This morning I put about 30gr of trim in the work bag (220) and layered it between ice. Waited 10min, mixed for 10min, dumped the water through the other 3 bags into another bucket and scraped pond scum from the 73 and 25 screens. Repeated this 3 times got maybe 1.5gr (still drying, slight green tint). It works. I did not crush the ice and I think I should have mixed longer each time. I the larger bags might be easier to work with, I spent over 2 hours and was expecting a little more for the effort. On the other hand I would have trashed this stuff and just the 1 hit I took was nice, I think I will put the effort into this it needs to get a better return on my labor.

You cant get more keef than what is on the plant!