New Grower I can not successfully grow weed

make sure the paper towel is moist, but not wet ;) i meself don't do the paper towel step, but if u do, jus mist it, then mebbe a light squeeze to wring it out, so to speak, put the beanz on it, fold it over, put in ziplok bag, cover so it'z in the dark, and put somewhere warm, like on a cable box, stereo, etc...uzually, within a day or so, the taprootz will be coming out...jus keep checkin is all & when they get 1/4" or so, it'z time to hit the dirt...the thing about the paper towel is that sumtimez, the taproot can start growing into it & getting it off can cauze it to rip/tear the root...hope this helpz ;) ppp
ok ty
Ok guys so I was thinking of how to warp up the growing space so I had an Idea I can just create a kind of growbox as close as possible of a radiator
so I made a Little "growbox" out of 2 layers of thick cardboard, so I moved the plant the light and the fan in, all the 6 sides are coated with reflective materials
so that help with the lighting issue


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Ok guys so I was thinking of how to warp up the growing space so I had an Idea I can just create a kind of growbox as close as possible of a radiator
so I made a Little "growbox" out of 2 layers of thick cardboard, so I moved the plant the light and the fan in, all the 6 sides are coated with reflective materials
so that help with the lighting issue

now ur gettin the idea :thumbsup: ppp
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so what day/night time I should use for the new seed and the tow more seeds already growing ?
so what day/night time I should use for the new seed and the tow more seeds already growing ?

welllll, u'll get a whole host o' diff answerz on that one, lol :rofl: i run 18/6 fwiw, but seein as how ur light ain't all that strong, u could do 20/4'z all grower pref really, but 18/6 is pretty much the all-around norm :shrug: ppp
but plant need a long time of darkness for metabolizing all they need isn't 20h too much ? did the plant have enough time ?
but plant need a long time of darkness for metabolizing all they need isn't 20h too much ? did the plant have enough time ?

well, here'z where the good ol' bonez of contention come into play, lol :rolleyes2: technically, cannabis is classified as a c3 plant, meaning it duzn't require darkness, but there are thoze, like me, that believe in all living thingz needing sleepy time, to rest/reset, etc, so...again, it'z grower pref really :shrug: ppp
well, here'z where the good ol' bonez of contention come into play, lol :rolleyes2: technically, cannabis is classified as a c3 plant, meaning it duzn't require darkness, but there are thoze, like me, that believe in all living thingz needing sleepy time, to rest/reset, etc, so...again, it'z grower pref really :shrug: ppp
Ok ty I will do 20/4.Also do you know what kind of nutriment the plant need ?
Ok ty I will do 20/4.Also do you know what kind of nutriment the plant need ?

well, it dependz on what ur soil is, but in ur situ, megacrop would be the simplest to uze & can be ordered from amazon, np ;) ppp