Got me some more all-mix, layed down on a pot and made a hole off-center for my Blueberry n2 (Mohan Ram is going to keep her company later). The roots are not out or anything, but she already has her 1st set of true leafs.
I inoculated the hole with piranha mycorrhizaes, and gave her a 1/2 feed of enzimes+: amino-acids, humic and fulvic acids.
Amazing!! I mean... It's chinese to me but it sure looks complex!
This is how it processes:
Amino Acid—provides mineral chelation and additional plant nutritional properties. Fulvic Acid—provides shorter chain carbon molecule for enhanced chelation properties. Humic acid—provides longer chain carbon molecules for the protection of the L-amino chelate.
Then I water feed the plants and did a foliar feed of fish mix.
My lady Blueberry auto is starving in P I think. I was making the math of the last tweaking I made and I got the conclusive 7-0-2 ratio. That's way to low on P for my pre-flowering buddy overthere.
So today I gave her:
1.2ml/L BioBloom
0.6ml/L FishMix (I've been foliar feeding her with fish mix at every watering between feeds and the results are excelent).
1.0ml/L BioHeaven (micro food)
0.8ml/L Alg-a-Mic (kelp)
0.5ml/L Enzimes + (humic and fulvic)
0.4ml/L molasses
1 tsp of mycorrhizae
I'm not so sure about this mix. I guess I'll find out how much she likes it in a few days hoppefully!
I also feeded my NL#5xHaze with this mix. I didn't bother to do a different mix, cause I don't have much time on me now.
The ladys are doing great so far. I'm really happy with all.
The Blueberry-auto loved her flower nutes, so that's what she's going to be getting from now on. Great looking girl here
The NL#5xHaze did not complain Since she's still in early veging Phosphorous is good to help her roots grow. It's getting harder to control her growth. The main stem keeps on groing with huge fan leafs around the pot, but the new shoots are getting out of control. I'm tying everything down controlling her height and she's responding back with alot of new vigorous shoots.
The new Blueberry-auto is doing great and perky, she must have reached the mycorrhizae with her roots now It's the first time I inoculate a plant properly with some Piranha. Let's see how it will work out!
And look who poped out to join the gang: Lil Mohan Ram from Sweet Seeds. She's a bit strange so far, she hasn't open her cotyledons yet, so I've placed her under 10watts lamp to give her a lil help at night.
loving the symetry on the Blueberry mate... Nice.
That NL looks like it's going to be a monster alright, should have no problem getting round the top of the pot
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