New Grower Hugo's Backyard!

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lol... my cats are my buddies... i heard that mate.... ive had another stray or new neighbor cat starting with mine... unfortunelty i havent had a bb gun in 20 years... all i have is the .22 in small caliber... and i dont want to kill someone else's pet... so i just chase him off... but i gotta get a bb gun so i can "heavily warn" him ... lol

I figure i'll give him 1 shot at 177... next level is 22... next level is Nitro loads....

:smokeit: :lol:

naww... ill probly give him three chances with 177 first... lol
Dude! You're a Punisher ! White skull and all.

50 points if shoot it in the ass, 50 extra if it jumps, 100 extra if it backflips!
Our neighbors cat always shits in our garden as well :/ I've had good luck with animal repellent this year. Keeps the cats off the property and our pup out of the garden. She thinks cats are magical pez dispensers. Also does a good job keeping your Guerrilla patch unmolested :D If I'm there in time to catch them I'm a big fan of the hose. I got the perp right in the asshole going over the fence late last summer, I was so proud.
If the animal protection associations came to look for me, I'm not here!! Ahah!
I've placed a new thread @ Reference Links last week, but for some reason people don't seem to visit that section often, like they should. Actually I think it's the most important section of the AFN either for newbies like me or experts in ganja gardening.

So I'm going to put it here aswell for all of you guys following my thread :) "Ed Rosenthal's Grower's Handbook" link in the web. It's a valuable asset to everybody!

GO GET IT! And become an expert reading it...
Fish-Mix Foliar

Oh the SMELL!!!

I finally understand what people talk about!! I sprayed the hell out of my 2 MJs and everything else I have in my patio (oreganos, basil, mint, salsa and peppers).

The smell it leaves on the area is OMG fishy!! Flys flying around the place and shit!!
