Mephisto Genetics Hubbabubba K.I.S.S. grow journal

And a couple of Tops from other colas.
nice one Hubba. I only goy a slight Bubblgum scent early in flower. but of course I cooked it lol :slap: big ol K.I.S.S. slap

Thanks for the SLAP and thanks for the feedback about the scent.
I sniffed a very light hint of bubblegum once or twice.
Maybe it will come out after the cure.

My HBSS was not happy, to much stress and abuse, not enough light. But she was a trooper and yielded 2.5 oz.
I will definitely grow her again!
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Here is 123 grams (wet) of nuggets that was drying in a paper bag.

The nuggets glued themselves together in the paper bag (5" cell phone for size reference)
hbss 2.jpg

I broke up the sticky nuggets and put them in a jar with with a Boveda 62% pack.
This is my 2nd harvest of cannabis and I am very happy with the results, can't wait to vape the nuggets.
Why buy bagweed, ever?
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Hi HubbaBubba
Sounds like to me that you might have gotten and non smelly pheno.
I have had this happen to me with various strains over the past while.
Maybe a strain for you to try again sometime and see the different phenos.
Great buds pictures man and well done on your harvest.
Sounds like to me that you might have gotten and non smelly pheno.

You are very kind to say so, but occam's razor (the law of simpletons) says low odor was caused by my bumbling incompetence. The fuck up fairys follow me around like stink on...
and here comes more embarrassing evidence, in 3...2...1
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Day 81 I beseech ye 'o gods of the Noble Weed, must I make every stupid mistake possible?

buds from the same HBSS plant:

Does anybody else think that looks like mold on the left.
Mold from putting buds in the glass jar for curing BEFORE they were dry enough, like a dummy.
I was reading that "slower drying gives a better cure", obviously I misunderstood the word "dry"

I will get a black light to confirm bud rot.


  • bud close up.jpg
    bud close up.jpg
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Yeah, don't beat yourself up too bad though. man...I'm still trying to figure out the whole dry/cure thing, too. Usually been leaving them in the paper bags TOO long, before jarring. I bought the large boveda packs, about 3"x5". But I did the same thing with some good bud...let it grow white mold in the jar...jarred too soon. Still learning.