Mephisto Genetics Hubbabubba K.I.S.S. grow journal

Interesting idea, but can those filters handle alcohol?
Water filters often have activated carbon to absorb bad taste form the water, that would also absorb the yummy non-polar chemicals including THC:
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That water filter is awesome thanks so much for sharing just what I needed my water is not to bad but this will only improve it have not seen this in all my search's.
The 0.2 micro pharmaceutical filters are not my idea, I ain't that smart:
HubbaBubba -- Nice recovery on the ph issue, looks like you're off and running now. Those HS1 lights are badass by all accounts. I'm subbin' up for the show here.

I didn't know silicon was so alkaline; makes me want to grab a bottle.

Keep up the good work and have fun with your grow. :pass:
I love my silicone I bought a bottle to help because of heat issues well no trouble at all with the heat. I had 4 strains I only used on 2 now I know different strains all are different but so was the ones I used it on so the ones I used it on no heat stress at all the other 2 yes the stalks on my plants well huge difference by 3 times. I will be using it on all plants next grow. I just don't like all the ph adjustments with it mine bottoms out its the first thing I add to water then nutes am I doing it wrong? I'm on my first grow going by everything I've read. I do believe it makes bigger stronger plants.
@SouthernGurl Yeah, it's wonderful stuff. Although it is not a requirement for plants' growth, it is in fact present throughout the earth and topsoil,, mimicking nature.

Waira here made a nice sticky about Si, a very good resource of info. It may be in the infirmary area, I'm not sure though.

I always add it last to a solution. I'm not sure if this matters, but that was my custom. I dose on the lower end of the range to minimize the ph swing, unless I need to raise ph.

Hope that helps. Look for Wairas sticky on Si.
@SouthernGurl Yeah, it's wonderful stuff. Although it is not a requirement for plants' growth, it is in fact present throughout the earth and topsoil,, mimicking nature.

Waira here made a nice sticky about Si, a very good resource of info. It may be in the infirmary area, I'm not sure though.

I always add it last to a solution. I'm not sure if this matters, but that was my custom. I dose on the lower end of the range to minimize the ph swing, unless I need to raise ph.

Hope that helps. Look for Wairas sticky on Si.
We're I live at Lowe's has nothing but miracle grow and home depot has Kellogg's but don't know how good that is.T hey also have plenty of miracle grow they have some coir but expensive for little bit and not ph,d. Durning my looking for stuff I found on my search's Lowe's use to sell pro mix and a few nice nutes till 3 years ago now they will not stock in my location cannot have delivered to the store but can have shipped to yourself who can afford that shipping cost.So I'm now a member of Amazon prime boy has it payed for its self for this set up and all the fixings!
Try a good hardware store. Most Ace Hardware carry some good soils and local nursery's will sell soil, just ask.