Okay the long awaited update on the big plants..I'm not sure what the deal is as to why these go so far over schedule,or why mine seem behind,but these are prolly on 65 or so days and I can tell they have a long time to go!! Is it possible to prolong the life of autos?? Or slow down maturation rates?? Anyway here's the pics...
okay these above pics are the bigger plant that was not topped just scrogged,I'm thinking 30-45 days!!!
heres a couple side by sides
these pics are the shorter plant that was topped by the dog,it seems a little further along for maturation,,the pics don't do justice to the gnarly stalk/stump on this one ....so,,which one would you rather grow ???
Daym budelee! Id be happy with either one but the tall girl is going to be a beast.

Thanks bro for the slapper and the compliment!! The taller plant prolly won't be done till middle of July the shorter plant might be done by the end of June,,the long finish time don't bother me,but it did kill my timelines for a 35-40 day perpetual turnaround..
I was trying to show the growth in 24 hours of the nodes/shoots
this is the untouched sister..they just got watered and their foliar feed
I think the mainlined one was gonna be a big/fast plant ,the natural plant may be a slow grower,they are both at 20 days,and if I didn't cut up the one plant ,it would prolly be huge for its age,I really like this foliar product,but it's a little pricey,I got one of the three part as a sample and the other two products as samples too I'll post a pic and more info,I'm doing a fert review on them ...it's the optic foliar line
:pass: Jus got caught up... I follow so many thread I can't keep track of them... Lol! But the mazzar is takin it like a boss! I downloaded the two latest pics so I could zoom in and she doesn't seem to be that stunted.... Amazing! I'm lookin forward to torturing my think big... Pretty much the only reason I got it :p
Awesome chill!! If the mainlined plant takes as long as the scrog plant ,I think I'll be in good shape,the big mazar will be at least 100 days by the time she finishes,both the plants are real healthy ,which is surprising cause they are both taking about 4 liters a day of feed/water ...Thanks for stopping by guys !! Oh ps ,I will post a shot of the foliar product I am using,there is a you tube vid about it .its the optic foliar line,transport,rev,and watts,,plus I got overgrow and attak.it seems to be helping a bunch
And yes that could be a factor cause the watts and rev product are supposed to let the plant use light better,meaning it's drinking and eating more!!!
Ya I agree on that. @Dudeski ..try the you tube video and there is an independent report on line, the thing about their stuff is that you can spray while lights are on and it will not burn the plant,and you only spray the tops of the leaves,,it's the first time I try a foliar so nothing to compare against,but compared to previous grows without,the blue dream plants were monsters at 25 days( I gotta update that thread)...Peace bro..pics of product tonight
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Okay here's the full lineup of optic foliar the transport rev and watts are a three part foliar ,the overgrow replaces the three part and adds more nutrients,the atak is for bugs ,I haven't had to use it yet( fingers crossed) I paid 16$ for each bottle of rev and watts,all the others were samples,,next time your at your fav store,ask if they have any samples(of anything,free is good),I've gotten the 300$ box of Cyco nutes as a sample,t-shirts ,just from asking...rambling...I won't talk the nutes up,do your diligence because they (any nutes) can run into some good money ...Peace bro ...
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