Here is fastbuds blackberry auto topped at day 14 of life then left to grow.32 days old today.she sits in an 11 litre pot.this proves topping an auto at the correct time does not effect there growth or vertical growth 1 bit;) strain dependant how tall ur auto will be;)
and here is mephisto genetics hubbabubbasmelloscope 24 days old today.was topped at day 18 of life.but had to let grow no room in tent to train them bigger
and few shots of my mixed auto garden;)
happy growing every1;)
Day 14 for the Fast Buds plants..three plants are at three nodes and will be topped,the other three will grow natural for a harvest comparison

:::News Break:::
All my parts have arrived for a DIY COB
The build will be documented in the DIY forums in my sig area!!
here a pic of my girls 2 fimmed 1 topped at back there just over 30 days old and monsters
Looking awesome!! They are big at 30 days,they prolly have a lot of stretch time left.. You are on your way to some serious monsters!!! ....I'll add an update today when i top my Fast Buds plants...peace!!
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A new round of topping is now in action..these are the Fast Buds competition plants .... Tagging ya guys in if you might have an interest in alternate methods of growing something other than a christmas tree ..this thread documents different styles of training

@St. Tom @Benjamin Squier @smokersuniteuk420 @CandyCane613 @Roark @IzzyTheGrower @bhomb_ @AmberTrichome @2Stoned2Care @Sideshow @Jackson @Seabass @HippieWarrior @Eyeoftheworld @Starbreaker @ChillFred @Powerful14 @Maria Sanchez @KonopCh @Egzoset @Druid @arty zan @TheWeekendGrower @MassMom @AussieStoner @Creature @Autogrowzs @AutoJ @NugNoob @sammykins @Sleeveofauto @truth_830 @AJrexxx
I also welcome others to post their trained plants pics here,so that we can shatter the myths that autos cannot be topped or mainlined!!
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I would like to see completed journals with yield.
I never topped auto.
You can stroll thru this journal,it was made from all my separate threads but i do document dry weights and a summary on most of the methods,some handle it better than others.My training has more to do with the fact that a 600HID lamp does not have the penetration power to grow 5 foot tall plants( i have tried),so with the training and a nice even canopy the buds are larger and more dense with near zero popcorn to throw out( i never throw them,i make my own oils and waxes) I have also documented one FIM project that did improve yield compared to her other three sisters..
You can stroll thru this journal,it was made from all my separate threads but i do document dry weights and a summary on most of the methods,some handle it better than others.My training has more to do with the fact that a 600HID lamp does not have the penetration power to grow 5 foot tall plants( i have tried),so with the training and a nice even canopy the buds are larger and more dense with near zero popcorn to throw out( i never throw them,i make my own oils and waxes) I have also documented one FIM project that did improve yield compared to her other three sisters..

Thanks, I will read.
View attachment 704860 this is a better look at my royal critical fimmed he hasn't slowed his growth he is around day 34
Awesome!! Except you should call it a her!! Hey have you tried turning your phone so the button is in the left which puts it in landscape mode? I am on an Iphone and this fixes the rotated pictures