Nice and clear @budelee, to be honest that's some of the best pics I've seen of topping explaining what to do.#
I'm going to be brave on my next grow and give it a go... the fimming I did on my last plant didn't work so well so topping it is.
I have done plenty of fimming too bro,its what i consider medium stress,i smashed a plant 13 different times and hurt yield,i need more documentation on that,Ill do one next round and maybe fim twice,its purpose is to slow the plant to let the sides branches catch up( im sure u know),but they still eventually grow tall,which i cant work led or 1000 watts might make it a different story...peace bro,im glad the pics helped
So..heres the plants,about a week later,the racks are in place and the plants have started being spread open,i will continue to pull branches and adding to the structure when needed
Wow! This is, hands down, the most awesomest thread I've ever read in any Internet forum about any subject. This thread is permanently bookmarked and this newbie is going to be referring to it often. Thanks you so much for posting all this. What a goldmine!
Wow! This is, hands down, the most awesomest thread I've ever read in any Internet forum about any subject. This thread is permanently bookmarked and this newbie is going to be referring to it often. Thanks you so much for posting all this. What a goldmine!
Thank you bro and Welcome to AFN. Its better to grow at least two of the same strains and experiment on one before you go full bore,but this guide will help you along,and im always around for advice...peace
Thank you bro and Welcome to AFN. Its better to grow at least two of the same strains and experiment on one before you go full bore,but this guide will help you along,and im always around for advice...peace

Thanks budelee.I have 3 five day old Northern Lights AFs in my grow space. I'm not going to experiment just now as they're my very first grow.

They're just going to get LST.

But once I get through this grow I'm trying some of this stuff. I'm thinking of my own medusa but maybe with a photosensitve and then scrog her. :biggrin: