She is a stunner!
Thanks @Dudeski here's the pics of Xena,I think she got her membership to AARP she so old...:crying:
She's so old you have to count her rings to tell her age..she made a new class of autos called super senior auto..she's older than my gram-baby,she's older than my truck .....a little humor for ya,Peace guys,
Here's a quick update on the DP automazzars ,I'll make it to the point with just a few pics,just to bring everyone up to speed,the small plant will be the FIRST( that I know of) successful documented mainlined auto and the big plants are ( kinda run of the mill) scrog setups,I don't normally let the plants do what they want cause they usually go rogue and get 5 feet tall in two gallon fabric pots!! Damn!!! @StarBright @Eyeoftheworld @dcat0921 ,I tagged you guys in hoping you find some interest in an alternate style/method of training...Peace,
Here's a quick update on the DP automazzars ,I'll make it to the point with just a few pics,just to bring everyone up to speed,the small plant will be the FIRST( that I know of) successful documented mainlined auto and the big plants are ( kinda run of the mill) scrog setups,I don't normally let the plants do what they want cause they usually go rogue and get 5 feet tall in two gallon fabric pots!! Damn!!! @StarBright @Eyeoftheworld @dcat0921 ,I tagged you guys in hoping you find some interest in an alternate style/method of training...Peace,View attachment 584399View attachment 584400 View attachment 584401View attachment 584402
Yessss!!! I was going to main-line a few! Good job!! I'd be stoked!
Thanks star, im keeping and eye out. Mainline and autos is krazy! Budelee makes it all so simple.

Do you put the legs of the cages in you pots? I need to put one in mine this run. Didn't know if I could with the roots already being established.
Yessss!!! I was going to main-line a few! Good job!! I'd be stoked!
Thanks Star for the slapper,I've been pushing the plants ( most times too far) to see what they are capable of,with defoliating,topping,multiple fimming,pretty much most HST methods,BUT,I always try to let at least one grow natural for comparison and for back up,sometimes things work and sometimes they hurt,but I document as fully,honestly,and comparatively as possible so that anyone can have an accurate comparison in case they wanna try something different,if ya guys haven't made your way thru @pop22 's frankensteins lab,it'll shock you!! I had a grafted branch fail between two different strains...peace
I'm watching your mainlining.. interesting! I may try that with an AU one of these days.........
It's a trying time watching and waiting to get the cuts done ,then hoping it don't die from shock or refuse to continue growing,I'm sure it might have done okay without it ,but I have been using the foliar feeding once( sometimes twice) per day to make sure it has what it needs to be healthy,she turning into quite the monster ,and now that she's past the point I thought she'd make it to,I gotta read the rest of that tutorial to see what's