Lighting HS1, Northern Lights Sensi Seeds, fem photoperiod


mad scientist
Jan 6, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Old school
Hi everybody,
Finally I am doing my second try with HS1 light and first one to share with you.
First grow space with 1 HS1 was 57cm with 63cm with 180cm, earth from flower shop, Bio Canna fertilizer, didn't measure properly ph as I thought not need with Bio Canna and didn't measure EC - too complicated. Used bottled drinking water with ph around 7,8.
4 plants in total, 1 CBD Critical Mass (origianl seed), 1 CBD Shark Shock (original seed), 1 LA Ultra (seed from my previous plant, turned both male and female, removed as soon as I noticed that), 1 CBD Shark Shock (also not original seed, herm plant, removed). 2 plants that I grow till end had amazing resin production but very small (30g total), much smaller than my previous and first grow with 250w HM/HPS in same space, 4 plants, AN organic line, around 160-170g dry weight (4 plants vegged only 3 weeks from the moment sprouts showed out of earth comparing to 30+days with next grow but first with HS1).
Obviously I didn't do well with my first HS1 grow, but here I am now , with your help, to do my best in new grow. Thanks for everybody who will stop by my thread and maybe try to assist.
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Here are characteristic of this grow:
1 HS1 led light, 75W
40cm*40cm*160cm grow tent
1 fem photoperiod Northen Lights from Sensi Seeds.
10l text pot.
Earth Bio Terra Plus, organic earth from Bio Canna, made to be used with Bio Canna fertilizers only, generally not need to ph water but I will do it.
Bio Canna nutrients (Bio Vega, Bio Flores, BioRHIZOTONIC,BioBOOST)
S&P TD 160/100 N Silent Fun with 2 speeds 140m³/h and one I am using - 180m³/h
185m³/h carbon filter with 100 diameter
Lets start!
Day 17 (counting from the moment sprout showed out of earth)
Sprout showed out 3 days from planting seed in earth. Seed was in water for few hours, until it sinks.
Temperature was around 23-24C first few days and than raised to around 26-28C (it is hot here, soon will install inverter aircoditioner
Lights at 50cm+ till yesterday (first 16 days), not at 40cm. Humidity is usually around 50-65%, only few times lower, but soon will have aircoditioner to deal both with temperature and humidity. Summer is just starting on this island.
Didn't feed plant jet, only used BioRHIZOTONIC for roots in last 2 watering.
From very beginning I was concerned with very small grow space for HS1 light and wasn't sure is light will not be to strong and temperature to high. Now I can see that I will be able to control temperature in mini grow tent but I don't know if light is too intense and maybe stressful for young plant. At beginning plant looked fine until 2-3 days ago. Leafs are now much more curled down but still strong, so it can not be to dump earth. Somehow they looks so boosted from light that they can't stand it and got curled down. Few side tips on one leaf got burn, I can see it progresses from yesterday when I first spot it. I guess it is CalMag call! I have both Canna Mono Calcium and Canna Mono Magnesium and will now feed the plant with half liter of water with 0.5ml of both product. PH lowered to 6.3. If problem stays or progress few days from now I will increase led light distance from the plant which is not 40cm away. Problem occurred while lights was still on 50cm distance, but considering very limited grow space it think it still may be to much light what caused plant to stress.

Did 2 weeks old seedling suddenly got thirsty for Calcium or Magnesium or both?
Is light to intense?
Do you recognize issue with baby Northen Lights plant?
I will appreciate any advice,

P.S. I have an old camera and I am not even, from some reason, able to properly rotate photos, sorry for that!

Thanks HolyTHC!
Hay bro welcome and good luck with this grow.

40-50cm is a good height for the HS1 I think the problem is the soil, what soil is it bro and what's it's PH?
Hi TaNg,

the soil is BIOCANNA Bio Terra Plus, organic line of CANNA, which is supposed to used with Bio Canna fertilizers, here is the link:
It's natural pH, as I remember from package, is 6.5. I spoke to CANNA and they told me that it is better not to adjust pH because it may mess with microorganisms of earth, but on their website it says this:

"The pH doesn’t generally need to be corrected Hard water
(pH > 7.5) is an exception to this.
It is recommended that the pH should then be corrected to 6.0 – 6.5. pH correction using Organic Acid. (or pH min grow)"


"BIOCANNA's Bio Terra Plus is made up of 100% natural materials and as such can also be used for organic cultivation. It is composed of different grades of peat, bark and coco coir, the use of perlite is no longer necessary to obtain an oxygen-rich, well drained potting mixture. Bio Terra Plus is specially designed and formulated for use with BIOCANNA nutrients.
Bio Terra Plus is pH balanced and provides the optimum base for achieving professional results. With Bio Terra Plus the EC and pH value's do not need to be measured. Organic mediums and nutrients are not made of mineral salts but organically bound elements, which are not measurable. The medium has a natural pH which will keep the soil in balance by itself."

I didn't jet start with fertilizers, only BioRhizotonic for roots in last few watering. And I did adjusted PH to around 6.3 adding lemon. People from CBD Crew suggested to me to adjust pH with lemon for Bio Canna fertilizers.

Looking at my plant it is obviously that beside first 2 sets of real leafs, newer leafs didn't reach their optimum size, they are to small. But plant is still growing. In less than last 20 hours, plant grow 1 cm.

Could Call and Mag deficiency cause this kind of plant's look? Or N deficiency? Or could soil be to hot for plant? Plant is getting some burn leaf side tips. What is bothering me the most is leafs shape, unusual curling and small size.
Bro, tat is really overdose, mild one. Give her only water for few days to see if that stops and no flush is needed (i dont think that it is yet). Also you could give her smth like Superthrive/AN B52 or other product, containing vitamin B, you can even use pharmaceutical vitamin B complex - just melt one tablet in tea when watering. Vitamin B will help to relieve this stress...
Thanks HolyTHC, that is very useful advice. To me it also looks like overdose. The strange thing is plant is growing on its own in profesiomal bio canna earth, I only added root stimulator in last few feedings BioRhizotonic. In my previous grow I was usng BioRhizotonic with simple earth from local shop. Why plants was small they didn't have those symptoms. But this time I guess symptoms started after I added BioRhizotonic. Another fact is that it is first time I am using this earth. Maybe is a bit strong for young Northern Lights. I will listen to our advice and use only plain water with vitamin B. Is one tablet not to much for 0.5l of water? If doesn't help will flash water to soften the earth