Indoor how to tell if buds are dry enough.


Jul 27, 2012
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I've had some hanging in a box for about a day and a half. They seem a lil dry but still pretty squishy how do I kno when they're dry enough to jar?? I have no hydrometer.
it took my buds 8 days to dry before I could jar :2cents:
it's all in the stalks mate, when they nearly snap when bent its dry :)
it's all in the stalks mate, when they nearly snap when bent its dry :)

Exacaly with no hydro metre wait for the stems to bream easy but not snap clean off!!! you can always take them out of the jar for a few hrs if you think there still wet.. Just bear in mind the outside dry quicker than the inside of the bud jar them up they will soon be sticky again :D
they say 1 day for each 10% humidity and add an extra day ....example 60 % humidity 6 days plus one then it's ready for the cure... you can get a hydrometer on ebay for around $20...then you will have fun!.. after it's dry jar it with the hydrometer if it reads over 70% dry it some more then at 70% burp the jar daily untill it's between 60-65% and cure it for 2-4 weeks ...if you can wait that long.....I'm curing some up right now!...I also took some buds and did a water cure for imediate smoking ...takes seven days from harvest! you can see my link here...
it's all in the stalks mate, when they nearly snap when bent its dry :)

As of rite now If I bend them they don't snap may let they go a little longer. Is this when it would be accurate to check dry weight?
As of rite now If I bend them they don't snap may let they go a little longer. Is this when it would be accurate to check dry weight?

The quicker they dry the worse the Quality. if I was you I would be hoping that they take at least a week to dry, even after 8 days I found mine was still too wet and had to leave the lid off the jar quite a bit to get it down to 63% rh so I could cure it.
I have my buds hanging by branches so basically by the long stems. When can I cut the stems to have just bud so they can fit in a jar? Is it bad to cut the stems off before they're completely dry? Do the still take anything in from the stems at this point..
Anybody kno if the stems used during hang drying must stay on for an amount of time or can they go now?