If you need to bump the nutrients down a little strength wise, your starting water should be fine. Just recheck the EC and pH.
Also, I've just started a new plant in the Mother Earth Coco. I know you had asked about it weeks ago. So far I've only run seedling strength nutrients through it and transplanted the seedling.
I can say that it does not have any excess nutrients in it. I was putting in 320ppm/6.0pH solution and the runoff was barely 340ppm/ 6.4pH. It was a bit dusty and the runoff had a murky tinge to it. No bit deal but just means a good rinse is in order. I like to rinse the entire pot and wet the whole thing down before I start anyways. Something I noticed. Not a lot of visible bits just cloudy runoff.
Have you decided on a nutrient line?
Hey, I appreciate you getting back to me about the Mother Earth Coco. So you just used it straight out of the bag, No rinse and buffer? I planned on diluting with distilled water.
Yes, I went with GH FloraNova grow/bloom.