New Grower How much do you smoke?

How much do you smoke a month?

  • 1oz or less

    Votes: 88 53.0%
  • 1-2oz

    Votes: 47 28.3%
  • 2-4oz

    Votes: 20 12.0%
  • over 4oz

    Votes: 11 6.6%

  • Total voters
None, moved and waiting on beans to pop lol. 3 months is a long time but it is safer than searching for street dealers.
Well... after finishing my last grow, I've got a good amount of stash.
I smoke 1 joint @morning and a about 3 joints @night in work days of course. As for the weekends I do smoke 5-10 [emoji14]

But eventually! I can't even estimate my monthly consumption. Unless any of u can help & predict :D
A little bitty nug will last me a week. I wasn't able to smoke for several years, and just cheated now and again. I haven't been able to afford to keep any on-hand since I quit my job and became a house-husband. I pretty much just get baked when I am in the recording studio or when I am hanging with one of my buddies that smoke. I can't wait until my current grow is done so I can start having some stash again. I'm just 16 days in. Two plants going in DWC (FIMmed one of them today). 5 beans left for the next 2 1/2 grows.. So I'll be set for a while.
Consume in a month? That's kinda a loaded question. First, since everyone on here most likely grew their own then we are probably talking quality bud. Me, this is my first grow and quality bud is not usually available. What I buy and consume right now most would probably not even touch. It is what it is. It hasn't changed in 30 years, but Im hoping its about to. So, with that in mind, between eating and smoking Im going through about a qtr pound every 2 weeks. I expect this to go down once the quality of the smoke goes up. Got about another month or two on the grow. The Muffin Man
I have never looked back and thought, "I should have smoked less cannabis that day."

I have, but only because it's the next day and I'm out!

I feel like a lightweight after reading this thread. If I'm going full bore, I go through about two thirds of an ounce a month, but I can stretch an eighth for two weeks and still get just as high. I'd just rather roll if I've got it. Old habits die hard. I'm sure if I had it around, I'd be at about an ounce a month. Let's hope my current plans will lead to having it around!