When I get my hand done probably another 6 weeks and if I have to do my foot again that will be 8 weeks before I can put
weight back on it in small amounts.
Not that it’s worth Jack maybe but all the light and positive vibes your way yo!
I’d help ya tend the garden if I could my dude!
current state of affairs in the tents on this blustery Sunday morn.
The stagger is staggering beautifully if I say so myself.
It brightens my day seeing the tents lol, which is nice.
spent the last half of last year watching my awesome perpetual grow ground to a halt.
this year has been good in the garden again so far, gonna try and ride that wave thru the rest of this year!!!
Auto gelato week 9
Auto gelato just hit week 9 and she’s sputtering a bit but she’s headed for the finish line.
I think I let it get a bit too dry and that was the first domino.
Buds are nice and hard tho which I luv and again, she’s cruising along. Maybe 2-3 weeks and she’s done!
had to rearrange the tents a bit so it’ll look a lil different to those who’ve been journeying along.
Auto gelato is now joined by my April fools day poppers and the fast buds babbers(mim cake and straw ban) are in the smaller tent doing their thing.
you have some great plants and its great having plants at different finish times that's how I roll year-round