Outdoor Hot & Dry



Recently moved some where hot, it gets very hot, and can get up to 45°C in the summer, we already have very sunny days, some being over 30°C, it's also very dry. I just got some Little Cheese and Pineapple Express in the mail, and have a few questions regarding the best way to go about things.

I don't have great soil that I know, the soils says it is organic and between 7-7.5ph and has a picture of some toms and peppers. I do have some perlite to mix into it.

I want to know if it is worth using a few cfls or if I should just go straight outside?

If outside do they need to put in the shade for midday sun or can they handle the heat?

The local shop had some fertilizer for orchids which says it is 5-5-5, I have ordered some other fertilizer(if it ever arrives) that says it is 9-1-1. Should I use them or will the organic soil do?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Autos in particular are a direct sun plant. They will handle 45'c. Their transpiration will go through the roof, so be prepared to do allot of watering.

I would use the soil, it's probably some type of compost. The 9-1-1 will be a veg nute, you'll want to find one for flower as well. No sence using chem ferts on composted dirt. As you'll kill off the microlife in the soil.

most fertalizers list the numbers from N - P - K So ones that have higher numbers on the P and K side are flower nutes. Try to find organic nutes if you can, your quality of buds will be much better than using chem ferts.
Thanks for that, I bought this kit http://www.iberocanna.com/epages/61902732.sf/es_ES/?ObjectPath=/Shops/61902732/Products/ATABOX.002 which say they are organic.

What is preferable to do. Get a big bin full of water, add the fertilizer and feed them the fertilized water all the time or do I feed them the fertilizer every other day or so.

From this pdf i'm guessing all the time, I'm just unsure. I guess there will be more info on the bottles. Will see once they arrive.

Is it worth getting a cheap air pump and stone to de-chlorinate the tap water?

First sprouts...

Edit.. that picture is bit small. here is bigger one and here is another thats just about to pop and one thats coming soon


  • sprout.jpg
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I like to feed once a week-ish myself...depending on needs... I think its good because it gives you a chance to see their response before next feeding... then you can kinda guage what you need next and how strong. I pay close attention to what they're telling me and adjust feedings accordingly.
Still a bit confused.

on the pdf/grow guide it say's per litre of water.
  • Root-C 1 - 5 ml
  • Growth-C 0,5 - 1 ml
  • Bloom-C 0,5 - 1 ml
As its very hot & dry here, as stated above, they will need to be watered a lot.

I'm starting to think with a big butt of water & nutrients they will get over feed, or will the plant use up all the nutrients?

Also if I feed just once a week do I just put in the same amount per litre or do I multiply it by how many litres was used up during the week... that sounds like it could hurt/overdose them.
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For the last two weeks we have had lots of rain and thunder storms... the sun has been out a little, but not much... (i'm going to buy a 250 hps, was going to do it for winter but might as well get it now.)

My nutes and Ph liquid turned up. I checked my water it's about 8, then I checked my soil run off and its about 7.5 - 8 :( the seeds I had sown are very stunted, on day 14ish, the 2nd set of proper leaves are still quite small (partly weather, partly wrong ph?). I'm currently waiting for some ph down to arrive to fix the water problem, but was wondering if I should get some coco for the next batch, will the Atami organic nutes I got be ok for coco or will I need something like coco A+B?
I'm a newb so this may be boswallocks but i have heard a humus rich soil is good for all fruit bearing plants in a hot climate ;)

It helps the soil retain moisture and it also retains nutrients more efficiently. Most garden centres will sell some humus enriched soil(perhaps italian volcanic soil) which should have a ph around 6-6.5 :idea:

Some of the more experienced growers may be able to let me know if this is a fallacy of course :help:
Thanks I'm going to get some worm humus/ or start a mini worm farm...

After quite a bit of searching, I just found a new online grow shop that is a bit closer to me (Makes me happy....), only 50 clicks away, and they do sell good soil.
This is the choice I have now..

Bio Bizz All Mix
Bio Bizz Light Mix
Bio Bizz Pre Mix

Bio Terra Plus
Canna Terra Professional
Canna Terra Professional Plus

Plagron All Mix
Plagron Bat Mix
Plagron Grow Mix
Plagron light Mix

I have some nutes so I dont need the bat/all mix, so I have it down to either Bio Bizz Light Mix or Plagron light mix.

Anyone got an opinion/recommendation?

Is it also wise to mix in the humus to which ever new soil I get?
I know the Bio Bizz all mix comes with 10% humus premixed, maybe someone might know the best/most productive ratio to have mixed in for autos?
Quick Pic Update.

Thanks for your reply geecee I have read various threads on soil, i'm going to keep the soil I have and see how they do/survive, and buy some good soil for the next time I put some seeds in, it's cheap enough.

After pretty much 2 weeks of dark and rainy weather these are the Barney's Auto Pineapple Express and Little Cheese.


Battle of the seeds. - these are the Short Stuff 20 random seeds I got.

DSCN5333.jpg David and Goliath.


I had planted two of the Sort Stuff one had popped when I woke this morning.

DSCN5314.jpg has some crazy 2/3 leaf thing going on.. it did germ really fast, put it in water for 18 hours then straight into soil and it was up in 2 day, I think this was one of the smaller seeds.

From now on hopefully the weather will be nice and sunny, and hopefully the Short Stuff seeds will do much better than Barney's are doing..

One thing I would like to know, is it ok to put the plants outside during the day and then take them inside and put them under a light at night or is that a bad idea?
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