Indoor Hope's perpetual Skyline grow


Only breeder I know that's consistently getting those timescales. Sawney - we're not worthy. :worship: We're not worthy. :worship:

Anyone tried that +speed Queen from sweet seeds? Says 7 weeks from seed. I really doubt that.

hilarious dude . We all want good fast weed . Pronto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :superhero:
SLamb/SLecter SoG Day 12
Gonna have to think about clearing the bench here.. the substitutes round the edges lol.. most are for a mate for outside but it's just not time yet and there won't be room for them in the tent very shortly.. they're so pretty I just dont wanna take them out at all tbh :eyebrows: :crying:
Here it is.. the subs bench.. stronger than Liverpools and that's sayin somethin :eyebrows: :crying: :thumbsup: 2 hours til kick off.. best get my shinnys out n boots polished..

I'll be sticking a right few into slightly bigger pots.. if I can get my hands on some soonish!! They really need out of the starter pots now.
No topping. I just bend the main top over and keep it horizontal for as long as I can. My goal is to get at least 8 main cola sites to reach the top of the canopy and keep them defoliated.

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Stuff like this is why i cant just roll through 300 pages in one rip.. lol
this sir (or ma’am) is looking real good. Its like pilates class lmao. Hot Yoga maybe?
good stuff monn.