Indoor Hope's perpetual Skyline grow

We do them every year m8 for a bit of craic.. must get a handful of decent strawberrys of each but always worth it.
I have wild strawberry seeds . Very small but the best flavour ever.
When will you be popping in to do mine. ? Haggis has been wrangled and murdered. :devil:
Just waiting on the FedEx man to bring my last dwarf blueberry and the front bed will be 100% done (though I do have 7 more strawberries to go around it as well lol). Don't tell hubby but I've got 26 (I think?) different small shrubs/perennials/bulbs to go into the not as of yet existent bed that'll run the length of the driveway :rofl: bulbs are imported from Holland in the fall before they're shipped out but I've got half a dozen or so things that'll be showing up in the next 2 weeks or so so I need to get myself back in gear lmao. He's out back patching a few small cracks in the slab before we get rolling with our paver project today lol. Haven't even really given any thought to the beds back there yet as we're going to have to re grade the slope (water runs towards the house presently) before I can start building them up. Gonna be mainly veg minus under the maple, which'll probably be a shade garden, but I also really want to do some in ground canna this year too :rofl: wanna see what kind of monster plants I can get Gia to bless me with lol
This is year 2 so they are more established and I should see some more fruit.

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Mine are all 2nd year too for the most part, minus the runners from late last summer and the new bare roots I've been putting in to fill some of the bare spots :rofl:
Mine are all 2nd year too for the most part, minus the runners from late last summer and the new bare roots I've been putting in to fill some of the bare spots :rofl:

I love your window creepers, lol. Always such newsbags.