New Grower Hope She's Gentle. It's My First Time! - Think Different

You'll like the TD...tons of folks do :)
You'll like the TD...tons of folks do :)

Yeah, I've heard positive things about it, but haven't seen any real good breakdowns of the smell, taste, description of the high, etc... I'm just getting all antsy and wanna have my curiosity satisfied. It seems like I have an eternity before I get to enjoy the fruits of my labor!
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Yeah, I've heard positive things about it, but haven't seen any real good breakdowns of the smell, taste, description of the high, etc... I'm just getting all antsy and wanna have many curiosity satisfied. It seems like I have an eternity before I get to enjoy the fruits of my labor!

I don't know if you're old enough to remember or have experienced this but....

It's like when Microwaves were introduced...."2 and a half minutes for Nachos???? That's incredible!!!!!" to now, "What's taking this Hot Pocket so friggen' long? It's been 80 seconds!"

Just imagine if we were growing almost 5 months...the better part of half a year. :)

Now that I'm on day 56, it doesn't seem like it's been that long but in week 1 it seemed like everything was taking forever. The key is to try and approach the whole process on "plant time" instead of "society time"

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You'll like the TD...tons of folks do :)

I don't know if you're old enough to remember or have experienced this but....

It's like when Microwaves were introduced...."2 and a half minutes for Nachos???? That's incredible!!!!!" to now, "What's taking this Hot Pocket so friggen' long? It's been 80 seconds!"

Just imagine if we were growing almost 5 months...the better part of half a year. :)

Now that I'm on day 56, it doesn't seem like it's been that long but in week 1 it seemed like everything was taking forever. The key is to try and approach the whole process on "plant time" instead of "society time"


LMAO! That's exactly the way it is! Just like going from dial up, to cable modem, and now cable modem seems to take too long! It's that whole instant gratification thing, and I'm guilty! Gotta head out to a graduation, but will update later. Got a few things that are bothering me; soil has crept up to 6.8, and could've swore that I noticed some upward curl of the leaf edges about 30 minutes after watering. I'm out for now. Y'all be easy. :tiphat:
Day 9
Soil PH: 6.8
Height: 2.25"
Temp Range: 76.3° - 89.2°
Humidity Range: 32% - 44%

I gave her 2 liters of water today, straight, nothing added. The water was PH'd at 6.1 since the soil had a high reading of 6.8, and the PH of the run off was 6.4. For some reason, I might be going a bit crazy, but I swear it looks like the soil level is dropping. Anyone have any input on this? Every time I water her, I swear there is less soil in the pot. WTF?! Also, earlier after watering her, I thought I noticed a slight upward curl of the leaf edges, but when I checked her out when I got back, not as noticeable. Anywho, the rising PH of the soil is really getting to me, although it's most likely due to that $hitty, fertilizer infused perlite that I bought. Of course it was a Miracle Grow product, and I shoulda known better. What should I do about the rising PH of my soil? Any suggestions?

The soil will compact a bit every time you water until most of the large air pockets and fluffy bits are pressed down. That's good though, you'll want to bury the stem up to the cotyledons when she gets bigger for support and to promote more roots to grow from the stem. Since there's not much root system yet you could mix in some peat moss to lower the ph. It may level out later on by itself though when the slow release ferts start mixing in.
Look into using a mild solution including epsom salts, that's been used to lower soil pH for a long time...IDK how it will effect a seedling though so look into that. Haven't had to use it so I can't speak from experience....
Your pH isn't drastically high, I'd look into the epsom as trap mentioned, also I know muddy uses aluminium sulphate to lower his promix pH

How close is your light to the girl?

Also goo idea to pre water your medium to compact it and get pH readings before you begin to avoid making adjustments the fly
To my way of thinking PH 6.8 soil is great because when you start adding nutrients to the soil it's going to drop down significantly so you've essentially built up a buffer so that your runoff might be something like 6.3-6.5 when you're done which is just fine, better than fine really.
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