New Grower Hope She's Gentle. It's My First Time! - Think Different

Looking good TGB, only concern is how hot it is in there, any way to get that down? I get that you're probably limited by the container, but bad things can happen under high heat for sustained periods. One of those things is hermaphroditism.
Day 6
Soil PH: 6.7
Height: 1.5"
Temp Range: 83.1° - 95.2°
Humidity Range: 29% - 53%

She hasn't grown, as far as height goes, in the past two days, but yesterday a new set of leaves appeared, and they've grown bigger sine. One of them looks a bit gimpy, though, and for some reason, she seems to be leaning to one side. Hopefully, the gimpy leaf, and the hard lean are nothing to worry about. Took the time to turn her around so the fan will gently blow her in the opposite direction she is leaning in. Saw a tiny black insect flying around when I pulled her out for a quick second, and had a helluva time trying to catch the little bastard, which I didn't. Gave her a quick inspection, and I don't see any signs of webbing, or eggs, or anything out of the ordinary, but now I'm on high alert, and can't stop damn... whatever type of insect it was. If anyone has any idea as to what it was, please let me know. Besides that, nothing new is happening.

Looking good dude, she's establishing her roots down low, lean ain't much to worry about, she'll start pumping new growth very very soon :thumbs:
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probably gnats bro! gnatrol but I don't know bout for seedlings.someone should chime in soon.yep a lot of her growth is underground at this age,next couple days she will take off
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Everything is perfect and on track...:) bugs in the air are gonna happen...just keep your eye on the bottom shelf surface...the bug (dead) will show up in a day or so. You can see what it is at that point. ;)
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Gilly! What's good?! Last time you popped in on one of my threads, I was still in the planning stage! Hope you stick along for the ride, my man! So the lean is nothing serious, huh? Cool, because I was getting nervous, thinking that maybe I had loosened up the roots by watering her too much, or something extreme like that.

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Ye man she looks all good, just twist the pot around like mentioned to get the fan blowing the other way or I even very gently tap the stem over, I do that anyways once they are established to get a nice thick healthy stem

When she starts packin buds you will want that fan on full time tho for smell
Agree with faded could be a gnat or other small flying insect and probably unrelated to your little girl, you don't have to be paranoid about an infestation at this point as long as you started with good soil. If you're really worried about it you can get a yellow sticky trap and just lay it down around your plant. Your leaves are looking good to me, and your new set should straighten up when they finish coming out.
Looking good TGB, only concern is how hot it is in there, any way to get that down? I get that you're probably limited by the container, but bad things can happen under high heat for sustained periods. One of those things is hermaphroditism.

My exhaust runs for 1.5 hours on, then shuts off for 30 minutes, then cranks back up again. It's during those brief times that the temps rise past the low eighties. Do you think that brief period will cause problems?
Generally 70-80 is the range you want.