New Grower Hope She's Gentle. It's My First Time! - Think Different

Thanks for stopping through Chandy! When I first saw my little lady pop up above the surface, I gotta admit I felt like a proud father! The two previous days I was pacing, chewing my nails, and constantly checking to see if she had surfaced. I was so worried that I had screwed something up and she wasn't gonna make it. Talking about relief when she finally did! Yeah, tapatalk does make things easier, but can be kinda slow, and sometimes throws error messages my way for no reason. I'm starting to get the hang of it, though. Once again, thanks for stopping through, and I hope to see you back!

Theres plenty o time f it t go wrong yet ;) lol. I joke... sending :vibes: your way t make up for that very distasteful display! lol.

Tis very very slow! What phone you on? Im on 3gs and its dog poo! If ever i stop on a pic it takes about 4 hours t scroll down any further.. tis a lot easire t scroll subbed threads though f def. My fella has a HTC Windows phone and the app on that is really fast. Still get loads of error messages but theyre all liars! Just ignore them and you should avoid double posts and such the like :)
I will indeed be back :) Subby sub subbed.... all day son! :-D
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Thanks for shooting some positive vibes my way, Chandy! I'm on a Galaxy S4, but the network is 3gs. Glad you subbed in! The more info sent my way, the better buds my lil lady will yield! I hooked up my Boost Bucket a little earlier today, so now we're cooking wit fire baby! uploadfromtaptalk1402943072944.jpg
I stand corrected, my man! :thumbs:We are indeed cooking wit gas!

Just yanking yer chain, man...;)

In my family, the saying was always "Now we're cooking with gas" because it meant we were using the hotter, more consistent propane rather than charcoal briquettes.... :)
No problemo, my man. I could sense you was messing around, so it's all good!
Looking good so far TGB(I like that)!! You're in for a ride with that Think Different in that space, some clever training in a few weeks will pay off big time. Sorry if you've already said but what dimensions are you working with? If you want to get a tent later on let me know, I can suggest a really nice one for about 80 USD, it's not a big one at 32 X 32 X 63 but it's working out well for me and for quite a bit less than the alternatives I was finding. That's a lot of light man you should be able to pull some decent weight if you're gentle.

Have you started thinking about nutrients yet? Well, that's all I got for now man I'll keep checking in on you. Good luck!!
Looking good so far TGB(I like that)!! You're in for a ride with that Think Different in that space, some clever training in a few weeks will pay off big time. Sorry if you've already said but what dimensions are you working with? If you want to get a tent later on let me know, I can suggest a really nice one for about 80 USD, it's not a big one at 32 X 32 X 63 but it's working out well for me and for quite a bit less than the alternatives I was finding. That's a lot of light man you should be able to pull some decent weight if you're gentle.

Have you started thinking about nutrients yet? Well, that's all I got for now man I'll keep checking in on you. Good luck!!

The dimensions for the closet are 22"x36"x72", give or take an inch in height. I'm going with the Dutch Pro line of nutrients made specifically for autos. My plan is to make an attempt at scrogging, but we'll have to see how that works out! Thanks for sliding through, bro. Feel free to do so anytime

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Wow, much bigger than what or looks, I'd say that's plenty of space. Sounds like you're set man, good job!
Wow, much bigger than what or looks, I'd say that's plenty of space. Sounds like you're set man, good job!

Cool, I was about to start thinking that scrogging was an absolute must instead of a maybe!