New Grower Hope She's Gentle. It's My First Time! - Think Different

Day 19
Height: 9" (a tad bit under)
Soil PH: 6.6 (after 5 gal. flush)
Water PH: 6.1
Run Off PH: 6.8
Temp Range: 75.7° - 92.5°
Humidity Range: 34% - 53%

Woke up today and flushed her with 5 gal. of water PH'd at 6.1. Ten minutes fterwards, checked the PH of the soil, and it read 6.6, so when the last of the run off had a high PH of 6.8, I was a bit confused. Still am, to be honest, so if anyone would like to take a second to explain how that worked out, I'm all ears. In other news, got my scrog screen complete, so I'll be giving my girl a good scrogging as soon as she's ready!

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Sexy net and plant bro! She's about to blast off, keep it up!

It's gonna be a first, as is the whole growing process, and I'm kinda worried that I may screw up a bit, but it's cool. These dudes here on AFN got my back, so, in the end, I'm sure I'll rock it out!
Well I'll help with the scrog anyway I can. Its a yeild bumber in my book.
Well I'll help with the scrog anyway I can. Its a yeild bumber in my book.

I appreciate that, roark! I'll definitely make sure to hit you up and pick your brain! As a matter of fact, when do you think I should start? I was thinking when she hits 12" tall...
Hey bandit looking great so far! She's going to stretch nicely and at least double in height don't worry. As for soil ph..forget it. There is no accurate way to test your soil because it fluctuates as it dries, as different nutrients are moistened, soil density, among other things. This affects runoff as well. I spent the first half of my grow freaking that my soil ph was too low, taking samples from all over the pot to try and get a good average reading on a dry soil test kit..tried three different probes, including accurate 8. At this point I just ph my water 7 if runoff is always low and 6 if it's high. I let the buffers in the soil handle the rest. I also noticed my girls don't like rh below 50 or temps above 86. Your rh will rise as the plant gets bigger and transpires more, as well as bigger watering and evaporation. But you may want to try and cool it down a bit if possible before flower when it gets very sensitive to is environment.
Day 20
Height: 9.75"
Temp Range: 78.4° - 88.7°
Humidity Range: 39% - 58%

Nothing new to report today, although she's not looking her best because she's getting her droopy D on. She was given a 5 gal flush yesterday, so that's to be expected. I'm still wondering about that little bit of leaf damage she started showing the other day, but I'm not really gonna trip about it.
I plan on putting the net into place in the next couple of days, but first I need to pick up a wall mount fan, because the one I have sits on an upside-down flower pot on the floor of the cabinet, and will be in the way.
Nothing much else for now, but as always, any helpful input is always welcome. Y'all be eazy!

I put a scrog in at about that heighth. Then if they get stretchy I'm covered.