Indoor HookaHittn Indoors All Winter Long

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Ha finally a post from some one else Wiz! Thought this thread was set to private ha. I havent had a chance to try them yet. Beerclone will post a smoke report later. Mostly a bean run so not much buds, still a few med joints to sample tho
SORRY FOR THE DELAY ON THE SMOKE REPORT..BEEN PLANTIN 100 walnut trees a day for the last week,so ive been a bit tired...
Okay..smoke report as follows

BAD BETTY:super stoney with a sweet aftertaste that keeps u wanting more..pungent yet fruity...after a huge puff,i felt it through out my whole body..deff a killer strain..

PAK: a bit leafy,but once u get her a nice hair cut..its all worth it..nugs r dence,full of hairs..ima lean towards sayin its good CBT strain for it gets quite a few..more of a bold smell with an uplifting high..all around good smoke..

Jem: deff going to say is my favorite of em all..verry fruity/sweet smell.frosty like a bowl of sugar,tastes oh soo goid..super suoer stoney..just a few good puffs and ur good to go..

ALFx: is ALF3XLOW ASSES;VERY STONEY,i choose to not smoke this b4 or during the jem its packed with trickes..finished buds look as though sugar wss sprinkled over the tops...if ur havin a bad day and want and excape..this cross is for u..very sweet,aeromatic,yet pungent smell thrown together is what I get when I open the jar..

As the rest cure and finish I will post another smoke report... I gave hookahittin sample nugs to try so he should be comin on to give his opinion as well...
63043-b8-1.JPG that difference in growing vigour just down to the change of compo...?...

Cause..that is how Good vigour should show...that plant is real Happy there..:clap:

That switch from the FFHF soil is making a difference, plants are loving it
What did you change to..un-ferted...potting compost..?

Still not having the best Fem to Male ratio but oh well..

For me male dom is always pre-fert or feeding flower ferts rather than veg ferts early on.

Ha finally a post from some one else Wiz! with winter memory on...unless I see the post in the right-hand panel..I Forget about the thread..:lol:

Agghh..back soon....the other half is back so the dogs want to go P...:no:
Cheers for the Smoke Report....:clap: :clap: :clap:...looking forward to HHH too..

I hope it kicked the legs from under him...:D

Most of mine are Affy Uppers coz my med problem robs me of something that gets me up off the settee and getting things done..:dance:

Yup..I should have called PAK Hairy Mary...:D...but..the Bud density matches the she is worth the effort...

Maaann...the spring hunting season will be a lot more Fun with that stash...:smokebuds:
Thanks wiz,first smoke report so I was kinda nervous..ha..
Met hooka at the river and the first one he tried was the PAK,his responce.."oh yea"..pak has alot of flavor and nugs are dence..all she needed was a lil hair cut..:dance:
Id keep the name hairy mary..seems like it b fun to make an ultimate hairy pheno to match the name..
And wiz..Hunting,fishing,campin,farmin walnuts...anythin is better with this stash..haha..:bong:..thanks for doin what u do..keep up the awsome work
Whats Up Guys?

Haven't been around much as of late... Been working this shitting night crew schedule and havent had time nor felt like loading up pics... Well day off today so time for a few updated pics. Plants are starting to fill in and looking nice. BDragon is already turning a dark purple , pretty much like a PJ. The DD is a short like squat pheno but the crown she has starting makes me think it will be some heady stash. PAKs are filling up that pot , most likely a good thing only 3 turned fem or I dont think they'd have got as big. All those new sprouts BeerClone started ended up turning to shit. Lil stumpy run pretty much so he pulled them. New beans have been started already though. Tried to get him to send me a pic of the stumpies for his profile but apparently don't want you guys seeing it haha:thumbs:
Don't really have much of a smoke report as all my buds are mixed in one jar.. I know that PAK is one of my favs and the ALFxLA has a good full flavor to it, Almost of hash. One of the nugs Beerclone gave me I believe was BB was super fruity when broke up and smoked. Could have been Jem but I'm not sure the fruity smell Deff reminds me a Jem..:smokeit:










Morning Fishin :coffe:
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Wiz - We switched from FFHF in the begging of the grow to a plain compost we are using know. Its made by EB Stone and seems to be a really good product for starting autos. Soil is super soft, not woody at all just needs a little pearlite added to it. Male/Female ratio hasn't been good but hasn't really been bad with this soil. Deff no added ferts in it.

BailerBud- I was doing the same thing and started subscribing to threads I know I want to see again. Otherwise I loose track forget the good threads haha...
Quick Update

Plants are continuing to swell every day. I figure about 2-3 weeks left on them. The big dragon plant had a few lower branches pollinated on her. Hoping to get a few more beans that are the size of her in the future:lol:. Overall plants are looking good. Cant wait for these to finish and I will do a full on smoke report for these 3 strains..








Well we are nearing the end of this thread and grow. Plants are slowly continuing to swell. I figure another 2 weeks they should be done. Dragon is pretty much all purple, a few of the PAKs are purple as well. Soon the weather in my area will be nice and will be time to start my Outdoor grow. Excited for the new season got a ton of seed stock from this indoor grow. Most of my outdoor will be sensi but if you get a nice pheno she will be pollinated... Pics...








