Outdoor Holy Information Overload Batman!



Stumbled upon this forum and the attached shop after looking at auto's for the first time. I have done a few grows indoors, but this year will be my first outdoor. Hooray! Also, this will be a California medical grow (Bongs over Benzos I always say), so not too worried about heat from the fuzz. I'm going organic and will be feeding my soil with tea.
I guess my real questions are about strain. I have alot of space, but not alot of time. Growing at 34N and will start in April, but I have to be done by mid august due to school. I believe I have decided on Stitches Super Stinky as one strain. (It also gives me more comfort to see a breeder actually make comments and give good information back to the community so +1 for you Stitch.) But I would also like a large, high yield mostly Indica, to go along side my sexy sativa.
I have looked at the Jem bulk pack, but would prefer fewer plants. Also looking at Big Devil #2, but I would prefer to give my business, to small, reputable breeders like Stitch and LBH (Almost went with the Haze mix pack... still might lol). At about 4k ft so while it is sunny almost every day in the desert, temps usually stay below 100.
I've been looking at some of the High rise seeds that are "early photo" but just don't know if they will finish in time. Looking at a lunar calander, it doesn't look like I'll ever get more than 14 and 1/2 hours of light per day, so will that speed it up?
I decided to go with auto's for the simplicity, but since stumbling onto this site, breed selection seems to be that much more important than indoors, where I can play god with my light.

On an outdoor growing question, how big should my hole be? Probably replacing with good soil, or heavily amending natural with 75% compost.

Edit - Also curious about auto strand recommendations for Depression/Anxiety.
Well damn! a few questions huh? lol
Great stuff mate! all the seeds sold at the store are bred by on-site breeders who support their strains 100% (If you get off track we have a Cannabis Infirmary Section - for helping fix issues)
LBH's haze strains would really rock in sunny cali... and because they are large and long autos would yield heavy there as well...
Mossys's stuff is mostly indica based... his stuff can get very large too... jems are more of a smaller pheno plant... but something like Bad Betty would rock

ultimately, root space is one major key factor especially with autos... dig the biggest holes you're up to making... it pays out big divdends at the end of a grow... :toke:

I know you have other questions... but browse around and have a look... theres lots of info to help you... see https://www.autoflower.org/forum1/forum34/forum7/ for starters...
the go to: https://www.autoflower.org/f34/announcements.html

thats at least a few hours of reading... lol

looking forward to your grows mate!
I know the cabin fever feelin... you're barkin up the wrong tree... its 25 degrees F out here... :crying:
We'll be looking forward to your pics... :toke:
yeah that daylight explorer is the cats fuzzy ballz huh?
SK5KS, I've been here since Nov 11 and I'm still finding threads and grows that I've missed!
The info' here is getting encyclopaedic!
Hey man nice to see a new member, i recently joined with the same story as you xD

your gona love it, everyone is super helpful and theres alot more breeders here than you think ;)

as for the early photos, ive been asking around on those alot, im going to get the mighty durban s1 femanized from high rise, its supposed to be one of the earliest (late aug-mid sep at 45 degrees north) from what i understand the farther south you are from 45N the faster it will finish, heres a post by cres thats really helpful and has a daylight chart with lattitudes and all that good stuff https://www.autoflower.org/f54/getting-good-start-spring-planting-6351.html#post126000

if you decide not to do an early photo and want yield though i would suggest one of stitches super autos, aisian haze, or samarai jack(aisan x jack herrer i think), those last two are in the AFN shop under LBH i think, and everything i have seen on them has been really positive

hope i helped you out man good luck :smokebuds:
Again, thanks for all the great responses. I was looking at the mighty durban and that chart, think I might be able to squeeze it out, and if not, its an educational experience. Sure I could still use it for butter or something if I had to pull it early...
Again, thanks for all the great responses. I was looking at the mighty durban and that chart, think I might be able to squeeze it out, and if not, its an educational experience. Sure I could still use it for butter or something if I had to pull it early...

Yeah I'm doing autos and an early photo so if the photos don't make it at least I have the autos already harvested haha

And yeah I might make some budder top I saw urbangrower talk about it